Cafepharma is only negativity. Trash talk your managers, trash talk the companies, trash talk compensation, etc etc. This is a one-sided site to visit. Dont come here to actually seek information or uplifting and encouraging words.
I’m a realist. Don’t be caught off guard like we were with the original trial. They were confident that we would win. And we lost. Odds of a reversal at that level are less than 25%.
Cafepharma is only negativity. Trash talk your managers, trash talk the companies, trash talk compensation, etc etc. This is a one-sided site to visit. Dont come here to actually seek information or uplifting and encouraging words.
Those negative words are actually positive compared to what others are saying. I think we should let management go to the offices first to assess safety.
Wait, management will go with you, but you don't want them to go with you, covid or not. Haha, you can't have it every way. If you are so jealous, become a manager yourself! Then you can "enjoy" what the managers enjoy.