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Yet ANOTHER Solar Company goes bankrupt

Yay OweBama! Thanks for wasting our money on this shit! We wuv you!


2.1 BILLION down the rathole.:eek:

You dont care about the money. Really, you don't.

$18 BILLION down the rat hole in Iraq contractors hands and the GOP couldnt give a shit.


This one is worth NINE eeks!



Show me where in the Constitution where the Gubment has the explicit responsibility to engage in venture capitalism and you will have a point.

That was the whole point of the war, to establish Iraq as a democracy that would be our 'freehhnds' and sell us oil. his was easily as much of an attempt at venture capitalism as the attempt to develop solar enerfy.

Show me where in the Constitution where the Gubment has the explicit responsibility to engage in venture capitalism and you will have a point.

I know you don't want to go all Constitution on us.


Show me where in the Constitution where it authorized Cheney and the SECRET energy task force to meet with oil company execs to divide up Iraq's oil reserves more than a year before invading, and then use our military and american lives to pad their profits by practicing regime change under false pretenses in order to open up markets for a private industry?

Chapter and verse please.

In the meantime, you and your party didn't and STILL don't give a shit about the money.

I know you don't want to go all Constitution on us.


Show me where in the Constitution where it authorized Cheney and the SECRET energy task force to meet with oil company execs to divide up Iraq's oil reserves more than a year before invading, and then use our military and american lives to pad their profits by practicing regime change under false pretenses in order to open up markets for a private industry?

Chapter and verse please.
In the meantime, you and your party didn't and STILL don't give a shit about the money.

Hate to say it Rock but RAB nailed that one !!!

I know you don't want to go all Constitution on us.


Show me where in the Constitution where it authorized Cheney and the SECRET energy task force to meet with oil company execs to divide up Iraq's oil reserves more than a year before invading, and then use our military and american lives to pad their profits by practicing regime change under false pretenses in order to open up markets for a private industry?

Chapter and verse please.

In the meantime, you and your party didn't and STILL don't give a shit about the money.

REALLY? Show me that what you said about Cheney is a fact. And then after that, explain to me how it isn't the Feds job to protect the country (national defense).

REALLY? Show me that what you said about Cheney is a fact. And then after that, explain to me how it isn't the Feds job to protect the country (national defense).

Rock - please clarify - Are you saying they protected the country by going to war with Iraq after we were attacked by a ragtag band of extremists that primarily trained in Pafghanistan?

REALLY? Show me that what you said about Cheney is a fact. And then after that, explain to me how it isn't the Feds job to protect the country (national defense).

You dont learn, do you?

They met as early as FEB 14, 2001, 3 weeks after inauguration.


Let me know HOW was this to "protect the country", unless they already knew they were going into Iraq some 7 months before 9-11....hmmmmmm.

As early as September of 2000 presidential candidate George Bush was beginning to discuss the need to revise US policy vis-à-vis Saddam Hussein and oil. In his "A Vision for America" Bush discussed Iraq and oil.

As U.S. influence in the Gulf has waned, Iraq's relative influence as an oil supplier to U.S. and world markets has increased. & Iraq is now the fastest growing oil supplier to the United States... as spare production capacity becomes tighter, Iraq is moving into a position to become an important "swing producer," with an ability to single handedly impact and manipulate global markets... Perhaps most ominously, Saddam Hussein is threatening to cut back production.

Within ten days of taking office, Bush set up a presidential task force under the direction of Vice President Dick Cheney to look into the energy situation. The exact details of who participated in the meetings and what was discussed have been shrouded in mystery. The White House fought a protracted legal battle to keep the information secret, but we know that representatives of major energy and oil interests participated, and we know that Iraq was a chief topic of conversation. Cheney's Energy Task Force authored a variety of documents, many relating to the oil industries of Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

In documents acquired through the FOIA, it is obvious that a post-Saddam Iraq was considered a forgone conclusion by the Cheney Task Force. One entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts," dated March 5, 2001, includes a table listing 30 countries which have interests in Iraq's oil industry, including the names of companies, the oil fields with which they are associated, as well as the status of those interests. Another titled "Map of Iraq's oil fields" shows markings for "supergiant" oil fields of 5 billion barrels or more, other smaller oilfields, fields "earmarked for production sharing," oil pipelines, operational refineries, and tanker terminals.


Now.....chapter, verse, article, and section of the CONSTITUTION. What gave them the authority and then to blow BILLIONS in the process not to mention the lives lost?

So keep playing in your Solyndra poop. You will be embarrassed every time.

You dont learn, do you?

They met as early as FEB 14, 2001, 3 weeks after inauguration.


Let me know HOW was this to "protect the country", unless they already knew they were going into Iraq some 7 months before 9-11....hmmmmmm.

As early as September of 2000 presidential candidate George Bush was beginning to discuss the need to revise US policy vis-à-vis Saddam Hussein and oil. In his "A Vision for America" Bush discussed Iraq and oil.

As U.S. influence in the Gulf has waned, Iraq's relative influence as an oil supplier to U.S. and world markets has increased. & Iraq is now the fastest growing oil supplier to the United States... as spare production capacity becomes tighter, Iraq is moving into a position to become an important "swing producer," with an ability to single handedly impact and manipulate global markets... Perhaps most ominously, Saddam Hussein is threatening to cut back production.

Within ten days of taking office, Bush set up a presidential task force under the direction of Vice President Dick Cheney to look into the energy situation. The exact details of who participated in the meetings and what was discussed have been shrouded in mystery. The White House fought a protracted legal battle to keep the information secret, but we know that representatives of major energy and oil interests participated, and we know that Iraq was a chief topic of conversation. Cheney's Energy Task Force authored a variety of documents, many relating to the oil industries of Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

In documents acquired through the FOIA, it is obvious that a post-Saddam Iraq was considered a forgone conclusion by the Cheney Task Force. One entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts," dated March 5, 2001, includes a table listing 30 countries which have interests in Iraq's oil industry, including the names of companies, the oil fields with which they are associated, as well as the status of those interests. Another titled "Map of Iraq's oil fields" shows markings for "supergiant" oil fields of 5 billion barrels or more, other smaller oilfields, fields "earmarked for production sharing," oil pipelines, operational refineries, and tanker terminals.


Now.....chapter, verse, article, and section of the CONSTITUTION. What gave them the authority and then to blow BILLIONS in the process not to mention the lives lost?

So keep playing in your Solyndra poop. You will be embarrassed every time.


RAB just broke Rockification's orbital eye socket with that one. Trouble is, Rockification is too dense to realize that he recieved two of the worst shankings year to date on this thread alone.

You dont learn, do you?

They met as early as FEB 14, 2001, 3 weeks after inauguration.


Let me know HOW was this to "protect the country", unless they already knew they were going into Iraq some 7 months before 9-11....hmmmmmm.

As early as September of 2000 presidential candidate George Bush was beginning to discuss the need to revise US policy vis-à-vis Saddam Hussein and oil. In his "A Vision for America" Bush discussed Iraq and oil.

As U.S. influence in the Gulf has waned, Iraq's relative influence as an oil supplier to U.S. and world markets has increased. & Iraq is now the fastest growing oil supplier to the United States... as spare production capacity becomes tighter, Iraq is moving into a position to become an important "swing producer," with an ability to single handedly impact and manipulate global markets... Perhaps most ominously, Saddam Hussein is threatening to cut back production.

Within ten days of taking office, Bush set up a presidential task force under the direction of Vice President Dick Cheney to look into the energy situation. The exact details of who participated in the meetings and what was discussed have been shrouded in mystery. The White House fought a protracted legal battle to keep the information secret, but we know that representatives of major energy and oil interests participated, and we know that Iraq was a chief topic of conversation. Cheney's Energy Task Force authored a variety of documents, many relating to the oil industries of Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

In documents acquired through the FOIA, it is obvious that a post-Saddam Iraq was considered a forgone conclusion by the Cheney Task Force. One entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts," dated March 5, 2001, includes a table listing 30 countries which have interests in Iraq's oil industry, including the names of companies, the oil fields with which they are associated, as well as the status of those interests. Another titled "Map of Iraq's oil fields" shows markings for "supergiant" oil fields of 5 billion barrels or more, other smaller oilfields, fields "earmarked for production sharing," oil pipelines, operational refineries, and tanker terminals.


Now.....chapter, verse, article, and section of the CONSTITUTION. What gave them the authority and then to blow BILLIONS in the process not to mention the lives lost?

So keep playing in your Solyndra poop. You will be embarrassed every time.

There are so many holes here I don't know where to begin. I have slapped you down too many times in this forum to even waste my time. One last response.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Sound familiar?

The Iraq situation has to be taken into context of 9.11. Bush could not afford ANY more chances. SH had already violated several sanctions with the UN. The US was FREAKED the FUCK OUT from being attacked. I love how libruhls forget about all of that. This is the "national defence" part of the above text - the good ole Constitution that you fuktards like to carve up whenever it is convenient to advance your fucked up ideology that has screwed so many other people over the world. (i.e., advocating for "separation of church and state" when it doesn't say that explicitly, and then, arguing against "right to keep and bear arms" when it DOES say that explicitly). This is why you fucking assholes don't "get it" when it comes to the topic of this whole thread. Thanks for staying on topic by the way (for once) but I digress.

Second - general welfare - this does not include the government taking our money and "investing" in wind, solar, etc. It DOES include making sure that our nation has energy to survive. So EVEN IF (and I am not conceding that we went to war with Iraq "for the oil") that were the case, it is arguable that we needed to protect our national interests - Oil enables BOTH national security AND general welfare. Solar panels do NOT.

It is NOT arguable that we are protecting our national interests by "investing" in wind and solar. That is a "nice to have" not a "must have" like the oil supply. If this were the case, China and India would be ALL OVER THIS SHIT as they grow by leaps and bounds but they are not, are they? And if the demand were there you wouldn't be reading about yet ANOTHER solar company bankrolled by OweBama that goes under. I mean REALLY? Companies that have DIRECT SPONSORSHIP by the fucking POTUS and they STILL fail. You have to admit that this is NOT a good business model if you can't even succeed when you have the backing of the the POTUS and the Dept of Energy. So give it the fuck up - IDIOTS!!!!!

Again, let me repeat for the Libtarded (that being you). Oil is a MUST have and is VITAL to our national security (AND general welfare) - Solar is a NICE TO HAVE and has nothing to do with our national security, or general welfare.

If you can't understand all of that, well that sucks for you.
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There are so many holes here I don't know where to begin. I have slapped you down too many times in this forum to even waste my time. One last response.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Sound familiar?

The Iraq situation has to be taken into context of 9.11. Bush could not afford ANY more chances. SH had already violated several sanctions with the UN. The US was FREAKED the FUCK OUT from being attacked. I love how libruhls forget about all of that. This is the "national defence" part of the above text - the good ole Constitution that you fuktards like to carve up whenever it is convenient to advance your fucked up ideology that has screwed so many other people over the world. (i.e., advocating for "separation of church and state" when it doesn't say that explicitly, and then, arguing against "right to keep and bear arms" when it DOES say that explicitly). This is why you fucking assholes don't "get it" when it comes to the topic of this whole thread. Thanks for staying on topic by the way (for once) but I digress.

Second - general welfare - this does not include the government taking our money and "investing" in wind, solar, etc. It DOES include making sure that our nation has energy to survive. So EVEN IF (and I am not conceding that we went to war with Iraq "for the oil") that were the case, it is arguable that we needed to protect our national interests - Oil enables BOTH national security AND general welfare. Solar panels do NOT.

It is NOT arguable that we are protecting our national interests by "investing" in wind and solar. That is a "nice to have" not a "must have" like the oil supply. If this were the case, China and India would be ALL OVER THIS SHIT as they grow by leaps and bounds but they are not, are they? And if the demand were there you wouldn't be reading about yet ANOTHER solar company bankrolled by OweBama that goes under. I mean REALLY? Companies that have DIRECT SPONSORSHIP by the fucking POTUS and they STILL fail. You have to admit that this is NOT a good business model if you can't even succeed when you have the backing of the the POTUS and the Dept of Energy. So give it the fuck up - IDIOTS!!!!!

Again, let me repeat for the Libtarded (that being you). Oil is a MUST have and is VITAL to our national security (AND general welfare) - Solar is a NICE TO HAVE and has nothing to do with our national security, or general welfare.

If you can't understand all of that, well that sucks for you.

And through all that right wing butt flapping, u glossed over the fact that these meetings to carve up Iraqi oil fields took place more than 6 mos before 911.

I'll ask u again, where in the Constitution is it outlined where we use our military to enhance the profits of private industry by opening up markets for them?

We're waiting.