Yes…. 346 Boyzz reps targeted and terminated this week

You can’t company expense Astroglide on your expense reports and expecting zero consequences!
I need my astroglide(R) to function as a catering rep for the sales rep physicians and their teammates. Try sticking your cucumber inside a dry cavity while trying to manage lunch and dinner programs, then tell me how it goes. Without astroglide(R), the lunch and dinner programs aren't going to work, neither is my cucumber or that dry cavity. I also plan to expense my eye liquids and vitamins. If I can't see the dry cavity, how am I going to know that I need my astroglide(R)? I learned this from my favorite dentist, whose day job is a retinal specialist.

I need my astroglide(R) to function as a catering rep for the sales rep physicians and their teammates. Try sticking your cucumber inside a dry cavity while trying to manage lunch and dinner programs, then tell me how it goes. Without astroglide(R), the lunch and dinner programs aren't going to work, neither is my cucumber or that dry cavity. I also plan to expense my eye liquids and vitamins. If I can't see the dry cavity, how am I going to know that I need my astroglide(R)? I learned this from my favorite dentist, whose day job is a retinal specialist.
My cucumber is naturally dry. Why should I be the one always bringing the astroglide(R)? Most penetrative cavities should naturally be lubricated. The person with the dry cavities should be supplying my astroglide(R) and eye liquids/vitamins. That dentist/retinal specialist is a quack.

My cucumber is naturally dry. Why should I be the one always bringing the astroglide(R)? Most penetrative cavities should naturally be lubricated. The person with the dry cavities should be supplying my astroglide(R) and eye liquids/vitamins. That dentist/retinal specialist is a quack.
If you expect me to keep this unsustainable profit machine turning, then I am going to need my astroglide(R), one way or another.