year of Retention

This is the most absurd thread I've seen. Retention pay?????? What is this, Pharma in 2001? These are the times of ObamaCare and pharmaceutical layoffs in the thousands. Don't kid yourself, you could be replaced in a minute and not even be missed.

And another thing on retention pay....... You're a Pharma rep not some highly valued doctor, PhD or scientist. My aunt Mildred can do what you get over yourself. Your not that important

And another thing on retention pay....... You're a Pharma rep not some highly valued doctor, PhD or scientist. My aunt Mildred can do what you get over yourself. Your not that important

ouch. You hurt my feelings. I think I'll stay home all week - that'll help business - since my bonus sucks whether I miss, make or exceed goal. Wonder how much more the top brass got in pay raises...less than 2% like the national average I suppose.

Top Brass just gave itself a 10-20% raise, and sales got, 1-2% if they were lucky. How can both Regional Directors be promoted. I have gotten an average of 2% raise each year, not even cost of living!!!


Top Brass just gave itself a 10-20% raise, and sales got, 1-2% if they were lucky. How can both Regional Directors be promoted. I have gotten an average of 2% raise each year, not even cost of living!!!


Don't let the door hit your ungrateful ass on the way out! You are making so many statements that aren't even close to being accurate. DSMs aren't leaving, they are being promoted. 5 people have not left training in the last year. And top brass got screwed harder than anyone on raises this year because lazy people like you can't sell shit to a fly. Grow up and do us all a favor leave quickly!!

Don't let the door hit your ungrateful ass on the way out! You are making so many statements that aren't even close to being accurate. DSMs aren't leaving, they are being promoted. 5 people have not left training in the last year. And top brass got screwed harder than anyone on raises this year because lazy people like you can't sell shit to a fly. Grow up and do us all a favor leave quickly!!

someone seems stressed.

Don't let the door hit your ungrateful ass on the way out! You are making so many statements that aren't even close to being accurate. DSMs aren't leaving, they are being promoted. 5 people have not left training in the last year. And top brass got screwed harder than anyone on raises this year because lazy people like you can't sell shit to a fly. Grow up and do us all a favor leave quickly!!

The DSMs are not being promoted. They are being set up for failure. They do not have the skill sets to do Managed Care. I just hope Tony Yost listens to Tami York before he fucks our company up.

Yawn. The company needs to be merged into Quest or LabCorp. There's no where for this company to go. BS testing. Generic stuff stuff being proped up by an alogorithm. This testing is crap. And with managed care this dog won;t hunt much longer.