Year end feedback


It appears that an easy way to ensure you keep your manager from pushing too hard is to feedback carefully on the year end reviews to his or her boss. I have heard that a number of these have resulted in managers being investigated, and at least one of these was based on very exaggerated feedback! The result is that the process is taken seriously but it also puts the power back into the ts hands, especially if a couple of you 'corroborate' the story. It will make the mangers very wary of pushing for too much!

where there is smoke there is fire. unfortunately people are rather afraid to be totally honest because hr will make every attempt to diminish any claims and then there will be backlash.

these need to be totally anonymous and then tally what an entire district has to say - if something appears more than once, it is probably close to true.

Well I AM a manager - yes probably crappy - but I think the feedback process stinks! it simply feeds into creating a cuture with middle managers terrified to actually challenge poorly performing employees in care they feed a load of garbage back upstream. Yes Gilead is now becoming a company evolving to democracy and as we all know that must be the best way to get results. Right?

Gilead is a solid well paying company but the culture has been lacking! Any leader knows you get more with Honey in someone's tea than a Bee! Players coaches get the best out of their teams ie a Harbaugh bro's Super Bowl. It's a tough Economy and America has had a rough few years be a leader be a coach don't be a self serving prick for no good reason! Honey Baby Honey!

Well I AM a manager - yes probably crappy - but I think the feedback process stinks! it simply feeds into creating a cuture with middle managers terrified to actually challenge poorly performing employees in care they feed a load of garbage back upstream. Yes Gilead is now becoming a company evolving to democracy and as we all know that must be the best way to get results. Right?

what rot. gilead managers spend all their time making trouble for reps. they want butt kissers and everyone in the district gossiping. then the nutcase dm runs to the rd with all the 'dirt'. if the rd set a tone that did not participate in the kindergarten mentality of the dm's then maybe the company could look like a professionally run organization.

Well I AM a manager - yes probably crappy - but I think the feedback process stinks! it simply feeds into creating a cuture with middle managers terrified to actually challenge poorly performing employees in care they feed a load of garbage back upstream. Yes Gilead is now becoming a company evolving to democracy and as we all know that must be the best way to get results. Right?

hello gilead?

do you see that this manager ADMITS they are 'CRAPPY' ...


start by holding the dm accountable for not ensuring the territories perform.

rd's get off your rumps and meet with the reps to find out what the dm has done to help with improving results! probably not much but yell and scream and run to you the rd to complain that the rep isn't performing. it is the dm that isn't performing!

course then you'll have to admit the dm is a dolt and so you'll need to fire them instead of the rep!