
This is hilarious. Let’s see, Retina is On fire, Xiidra will never recoup its value yet somehow PM gets promoted? Never fear however, because the weenie is here and will lead you to the promised land. Oh my, you just can’t make this stuff up. I bet you guys will be promoting Azopt in no time- because Azopt is always the answer

This is hilarious. Let’s see, Retina is On fire, Xiidra will never recoup its value yet somehow PM gets promoted? Never fear however, because the weenie is here and will lead you to the promised land. Oh my, you just can’t make this stuff up. I bet you guys will be promoting Azopt in no time- because Azopt is always the answer

...would we call it a promotion?

It is too bad about Beovu. HAWK and HARRIER were impressive. Beovu is best in class, BUT the inflammation, even though the percentage of people who develop sight threatening vision loss from inflammation is low, is a big problem. You can still sell a lot of Beovu. That said, I would choose Eylea over Beovu.

I am former Shire that got laid off when Novartis bought Xiidra and I just came here to see what is the latest on Novartis and Patrick’s rocket ship. So glad I got my package, hate it for some of those that didn’t. Gotta face the facts though, Novartis is a joke with poor leadership, that means you Patrick and Sam.

The worst thing here is leadership. Sam Rini is awful. George Floyd dies and it’s ages til he says a thing. Yet he goes on and on about bow his teams are out there selling while Novartis is telling us there’s no pressure. He’s atrocious and until people like him are replaced no one will believe anything.

I enjoyed my time at NVS, thought they did a good job of keeping people engaged (my opinion). I do however agree with you about SR and PM, though. I’m so happy that I don’t have to worry what the weenie thinks anymore or his backstabbing, selfish ways. The fact is, he’s not a very good leader, he surrounds himself with “yes-people” and leads by fear. I can’t imagine this unit being very successful without additional revenue lines and I bet those guys did think the the EU would approve Xiidra. Otherwise, why spend so much on the acquisition and to apply for approval?

With more competitors coming into the marketplace and with the ability of O.D’s to make money on device purchases, I think the writing will soon be on the wall and the big red button will soon be flashing again. I’ve heard too many stories to count about people who dislike that man. He needs to retire already and move back to Louisiana. At one time, Alcon Pharma was a respected place to be and the culture was first class. It’s pretty much a joke now. Failures in Retina only compound the inadequacy of leadership.

I am former Shire that got laid off when Novartis bought Xiidra and I just came here to see what is the latest on Novartis and Patrick’s rocket ship. So glad I got my package, hate it for some of those that didn’t. Gotta face the facts though, Novartis is a joke with poor leadership, that means you Patrick and Sam.
Patrick got promoted lol. You definitely were lucky to get the severance. This place is like a rocket ship. Problem is its named the challenger.

And without reimbursement people to help it’s going to be hard to convince offices to use

You all really don’t know how to do your jobs at Novartis. The team at Shire had no issues selling Xiidra without part D coverage. It’s called working. More than just getting a signature and checking a box. You should try it sometime. The reimbursement team did absolutely nothing to pull through scripts.

You all really don’t know how to do your jobs at Novartis. The team at Shire had no issues selling Xiidra without part D coverage. It’s called working. More than just getting a signature and checking a box. You should try it sometime. The reimbursement team did absolutely nothing to pull through scripts.
Has your severance ran out yet? How do you know people saying this weren't with Shire? Shire drove usage in commercial to achieve their numbers and from what i hear most of the salesforce didn't even hit their goals. If you aren't still selling then just shit your mouth.

You all really don’t know how to do your jobs at Novartis. The team at Shire had no issues selling Xiidra without part D coverage. It’s called working. More than just getting a signature and checking a box. You should try it sometime. The reimbursement team did absolutely nothing to pull through scripts.

lol, we are working...on having to clean up shires mess of over promising and underdelivering on coverage. Not to mention having doctors Frustrated of having to Historically hit a moving coverage target That changes more than you have jobs. But good luck feeling butthurt About not being retained. I bet that sucked when it ran out in February and covid hit...