Xen Recall

I only speak for myself here.....

The Xen recall is a non-issue. It is already over and the primary impact was losing cases for a week. That being said, anytime there is a recall there is a risk to lose long-term business.

Purchasing got wind along time of ago it was the same old product we bought and marked up form $14 to $28 cm, just to play games with GPO discounts. I look like a fool to my customers with all this

I stand around the operating room all day waiting for cases but not one surgeon wants to implant Xen. I even have my purchasing agents giving me leads that I cant even work. Its over for Xen. The cross link is officially unlinked.

Some of the posts on here are clearly from outsiders. Those who work for Davol know that the recall has had virtually no effect. We can't make Xen fast enough, and that is the truth.

remember--nothing negative on the boards--the boards are monitored by a highly paid executive in the home office--hours are spent trying to figure out who writes negative commentary on the boards--beware