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Xeljanz Management has bailed like Rats on the Titanic


Xeljanz HQ has turned over 3 fold plus
DMs have 70% turnover last 12 months
Reps looking 24/7 for internal life line of products in Oncology & Derm as well as every external positing available.

Never seen people in a division bail so fast. Only the average & below avg are left to fight for scraps (and also those wanting to retire in 2yrs w LOE)
All backfill are non qualified DMs promoted way too early and the worse of worse PC reps who were placed in Cluster 3 a few yrs ago. Now they are promoted Xeljanz reps-- LOL total joke of a division
Remember we are "navigator service reps" for now so do not sell or we will be fired!
LMAO Joke of Pharma.

2yrs & i am on the Sr PGA tour!
F this dysfunction mess of leadership from clueless non English speaking Pres , non qualified to lead a boy scout troop of a VP and down.

So, uh, you. Lol
Not at all, I have 18 months to collect a $1.8million Pension at 55. Only reason I am still here in this disfunctional mess.
Any rep w Xeljanz left thats over 50 with 25yrs is staying just for Pension & hoping for a 200k severance when the division collapses.
All other reps who are still here are avg at best. The best employees have been savvy & proactive bailing the last 2 yrs.
If you dont have a legacy lucrative Pension waiting for you, you should had bailed long time ago

DM legacy Wyeth.
Every legacy Wyeth person over 30yrs will over a million plus pension. Our Pensions are awesome.
Yep & legacy Park Davis over 30yrs have close to 2mil with mgt over 2mil pension.
Most also have 2-3million in 401k after 30yrs so a 5mil retirement package for 30yr plus Wyeth, Park Davis employees.

DM legacy Wyeth.
Every legacy Wyeth person over 30yrs will over a million plus pension. Our Pensions are awesome.

The last thing this company needs anymore is pathetic boomers like you who "got yours" and want to continuously rub it in everyone's face how amazing you are. We get it, grandpa, things were better in the good old days and you're soooo smart. Just think, in a few short years you can tell it to the geezers in the old folks home where your kids will inevitable stick your insufferable ass while they enjoy your money.

The last thing this company needs anymore is pathetic boomers like you who "got yours" and want to continuously rub it in everyone's face how amazing you are. We get it, grandpa, things were better in the good old days and you're soooo smart. Just think, in a few short years you can tell it to the geezers in the old folks home where your kids will inevitable stick your insufferable ass while they enjoy your money.
Boom! Roasted!

The last thing this company needs anymore is pathetic boomers like you who "got yours" and want to continuously rub it in everyone's face how amazing you are. We get it, grandpa, things were better in the good old days and you're soooo smart. Just think, in a few short years you can tell it to the geezers in the old folks home where your kids will inevitable stick your insufferable ass while they enjoy your money.

As they say - "You can't take it with you" So many people die rich but late in life realize they can't take it with them. All your possessions stay behind all we take is our love and the good we do while on this short journey on earth before we enter eternity......Never measured success by the size of your bank account.

So much for compassion among workers. Arrogant,vindictive, hostile twerps- typical of many Pfizer Reps. They should be happy for the success of others. They know what their benefits are and chose to continue at their job. Until they, too, are eliminated.

As they say - "You can't take it with you" So many people die rich but late in life realize they can't take it with them. All your possessions stay behind all we take is our love and the good we do while on this short journey on earth before we enter eternity......Never measured success by the size of your bank account.
Can tell you like average & the non selling Navigator model. Good for you. People are wired differently. I myself want riches with Pfizer, my Appraisal & Survey company & chain of Title companies I started 20yrs ago so that I can give back to society and help others with the foundation I started as well as all the charities I contribute.
So it comes down to ambition & what you want out of life to make you happy.