
We are impressed you can spell stories but you have no sales either. Weird. Congratulations on spelling stories. We knew you could do it. So now we all know success is spelled s t o r i e s.

We are impressed you can spell stories but you have no sales either. Weird. Congratulations on spelling stories. We knew you could do it. So now we all know success is spelled s t o r i e s.

What would you know about my sales and my success? You don't. Your post was a weak attempt to call me out for being the grammar police. But you must agree that it's pretty damned sad when you are a baccalaureate-degreed sales rep and cannot spell stories.

They will run out of money before this gets off the ground. It’s amazing that they never thought of videotaping the product used in surgery. Some surgeons have been interested but for different procedures. I’ve never heard of a product launch without one kol onboard.

Amateur hour all the way around. Was approached by a recruiter and had a conversation with a senior executive. Very unprofessional. Yiping little dog on jumping up at them
During the interview. Old school leadership style that would most likely blow your brains out of product does not take off. No thanks. Good luck

Amateur hour all the way around. Was approached by a recruiter and had a conversation with a senior executive. Very unprofessional. Yiping little dog on jumping up at them
During the interview. Old school leadership style that would most likely blow your brains out of product does not take off. No thanks. Good luck

Sr Exec's haha- anyone with the title VP or above is a clown.
Many won't make a move because they can't = know bad egg or complete moron.
Others stay because they want the severance and too lazy to go out and interview due to their arrogance.
Sucks to have to be subjected to the same questions they ask of others.
There are no true leaders there

Sr Exec's haha- anyone with the title VP or above is a clown.
Many won't make a move because they can't = know bad egg or complete moron.
Others stay because they want the severance and too lazy to go out and interview due to their arrogance.
Sucks to have to be subjected to the same questions they ask of others.
There are no true leaders there
Are you referring to Innocoll or Mallinckrodt?

Glad we are coworkers and on equal footing. We are the same. You keep spelling and Ill be right next to you every step of the way. Hope to learn from you during the pandemic. Could you
Please start with examples of when to use effect and affect.

  • Amateur hour all the way around. Was approached by a recruiter and had a conversation with a senior executive. Very unprofessional. Yiping little dog on jumping up at them
During the interview. Old school leadership style that would most likely blow your brains out of product does not take off. No thanks. Good luck

amateur hour at the top for sure. They are a joke. I hope Hugh gets all he deserves. Same with Mark. Horrible human beings. They should be put in jail