WTG! Zimmer Faces More NexGen Knee Replacement Lawsuits

No, it is a competitor. The end of the month is when the ex wife is is putting the heat on the Zimmer rep for the child support. But, the Zimmer rep has superior products to satisfy the ex.
Unfortunately our competitors have out-of-wedlock children with strippers, waitresses, etc., and those women are more ruthless with their child support demands, thus the misinformation by our competitors. Hope this helps!

The earlier lawsuits for this were all for the porous version, which Dr Rich Berger wrote a paper on (after he was dropped from the Persona design team). A lot of these loosenings are impacted by post surgical protocol and patient compliance. If this patient had a lose knee so quickly after their initial surgery, it would have to be a femoral component for the high flex to matter and probably a porous version. A cemented high flex knee wouldn't have a higher loosening rate so quickly (if at all), and then only if the person went into deep bends. It'd be nice if these lawsuits were more specific instead of disparaging the entire portfolio.