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WTF is up with the IC plan?!


They have to be kidding. Well, see you alll at Lily in a few months!

Unfortunately, we are at the cycle of a failed launch called Desperation. Home office is literally shitting in their pants as we speak. It is beyond bad, beyond anyone's wildest dreams. This is literally one of the final phases of a failed launch, before layoffs. So within this desperation phase, leadership throws out a ridiculous number because they aren't quite ready to admit failure and defeat yet. During this phase, the field employee will be blamed for everything and documented. This was they will have grounds to fire you if desired. However, there are far too many employees. Some they hope will leave through natural attrition, but the majority will need to be eliminated through a layoff.

By far, December and January are the worst months for mass layoffs in the United States. December is more prevalent in the pharmaceutical industry than January. Most predict the Biogen layoff will be around Tuesday, December 7th. While there are a lot of options to consider - with many HR leaders differing slightly on the importance of every day - Tuesday seems to always come out on top. Mainly because it gives HR the time to get the paperwork in order and then, after the event, it allows the impacted team and worker to find the support they need. The U.S. Bureau of Labor considers a mass layoff to be when an employer sheds at least 50 jobs. December and January historically are most dangerous months for failed drug launches because that's when annual budgets flip over at many pharm. companies.

Subtle changes can occur in the workplace that could hint at layoffs to come. Some very clear signs include Offsite meetings with managers and directors, employees being asked to track and compile a weekly report,
your boss reaches out to your customers instead of working through you, and things are very quiet.

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