WTF?! Expense report audits for everybody!


So it seems that we've brought in an outside consulting firm to audit every expense report ever turned in over the past year. This encompasses everyone, managers & reps. What the hell is going on and why do I have to dig up my old expense reports? What are they looking for?

Let the witchhunt begin! This looks like a good way to "thin the herd" so to speak, to prep for a buyout. We'll be seeing reps dropping left and right, to about 50% of the salesforce remaining. Then Covidien will move on to the next chopping block strategy.

Well, the pharma division IS for sale, people. There's your answer to "WTF?"


Read between the lines folks. This is going to be one of many steps taken to make this division viable for a buyout. This is the stage where a company gets rid of excess overhead. C'mon, Products not meeting sales projections, top 3 execs in the branded division walking away, what other clues do you need?

A little birdie told me that the pharma division will undergo a 30% attrition rate by end of 2011. Dust off those resumes, at least mine is still fresh from being hired just last year. *sigh* here we go again...

If a company want to thin the ranks, expense reports are the first place to look. That's what Covidien is doing and are bringing in big gun consultants from outside. Everyone has at least some kind of non-compliant entry in their report, whether accidental or on purpose... And boom, policy violation, grounds for termination in this at-will employment organization. Guess what? Covidien doesn't have to pay severance, unlike mass layoffs. Smart move on the company at the expense of the employees.

Covidien wants to play ball in big pharma, unfortunately they've struck out, just like many other big pharma companies, and will have to be sold off as another business transaction in this volatile industry.

Easier than doing a pile of PIPs. If you made an error or "enhanced" your resume or application data, management can let you go for that. No 90-day plans. Just your a$$ out the door and challenges if you file for unemployment.

I've never been in such a stressful environment! This job is giving me severe anxiety that I can't even sleep at night. I need to start looking for other opportunities.

didnt you read the comments on this company before accepting???? Yes I would have taken this job too if I were unemployed.....wait I think I would have kept claiming unemployed cause no stress! Anyways, you should have been continiously looking for a better job the whole time you were working with this company.

I left the company some time ago because I saw this coming. So glad I left. The people that run this company have a lot to answer for. I resigned and still got unemployment because of the treatment that I received. Word to the wise, purchase a small digital recorder, learn how to use it, and keep it on you at all times. It comes in handy. It is easier than most people think, and it does make a difference when things get tough and fingers start pointing.