YOU are obviously one of the many paid consultants that work here. All of the direct hires know what is really going on here.
A true start-up starts a build up months prior to launch. The Managed care team is already in place and calling on the plans. Amgen launched Senispar 10 years ago with Part D coverage and over 130 sales reps. Their pre-launch started 16 months prior to launch. Once Med-D was on board, the commercial plans came on board. This is NOT the case with Rayaldee. Amgen had a marketing department with actual employeeS (not just one guy) and had materials in place prior to launch. KOLs, Speaker Bureau, programs, samples, CRM - was all in place prior to launch. This is not the case with Rayaldee. MSLs were already in the field 10 months prior to the Senispar launch. We were still interviewing MSLs and the NSM and have since demoted the 2 Directors. Our Medical Afffairs is a joke.
STOP comparing our trend line (or lack of) to Sensipar. You cannot compare it.
The sales forces is busting its ass to generate scripts and OC is screwing it up with all FOUR of their GED hourly employees working 400 cases. Managed care is NON EXSISTENT regardless of Harvey quoting "62% Nationwide coverage". Physicians care about their coverage. CA has Medicare coverage. No other state has it. Why do you think the West is doing so great? Most territories are struggling and the territories doing well have KOLs, Clincial study sites, or Med D coverage. Do you really believe that reps want to work this hard to schlep a drug and only receive 2k for a quarter of work?
A true start up invests in their company and sales people. They don't use band aids and gum to hold things together. WHY do you think that there aren't any direct hire employees? Everyone is a consultant. Why do you think that our training continual sucks and is non-EXSISTENT? Why doesn't this "startup" company (division really) have any decent marketing materials and availability to Clincial reprints? Why isn't marketing printing out some BS MMIT leave behind that won't actually relate to a physician in a rural area? Why are speaker programs frozen due to blowing out the budget in Q1? Did anyone want to do a program in Q1 or were you forced to do a program in Q1 to get your MBOs? Why are there only 4 GED employees at OC working the cases? With over 400 SRF forms in the queue, doesn't that justify hiring more employees to work the case and get the scripts out the door? Is the Medical Affairs person that just quit going to be replace? Are the PIP reps going to be replaced? If we are building a company, why were the MSL Directors demoted and made field reps?
Frost is not investing in this division because the drug will be sold off after the KDIGO guidelines are published in June 2017. He is thinning the herd so there will be less unemployment checks to send out (no severance - just like the inside sales people got no severance and Frost defaulted on paying out their contract).
If you disagree that is great. Name three REAL investments that Frost had made since launch to show that he is investing in the Renal Division (worthless stock options don't count).