Writing on the wall


I hope you are prepared for the fallout that will happen I’m not grandfathering in patients.
This will be the decisive blow to this product and destroy our relationships with our offices. It is going to be far worse than what you are expecting.

Stock is at $24. There is no need for me to say anything else.

Which has precisely ZERO to do with claims of malpractice. Apparently you have no idea what that term means. So regardless of whether you are an investor, a drug rep, or a clinician - I think you are in the wrong space by investing/promoting/prescribing here.

Which has precisely ZERO to do with claims of malpractice. Apparently you have no idea what that term means. So regardless of whether you are an investor, a drug rep, or a clinician - I think you are in the wrong space by investing/promoting/prescribing here.

Listen sweetie I’ll keep this real simple. The company is putting the care of patients on the back burner to cook our books in Q4.

They are cooking up the best bonus plan to pay reps less money

How about this We are 1/3 of the way done with Q4 with no firm baseline. There’s never been a real plan with the adhd sales force. Most reps feel directionless

Enuf with this QUOTA crap. We are supposed to be a bottom-line oriented company!! Pay me off raw prescription growth. This garbage is demotivating and encourages reps to lay off the gas since it's impossible to make money.