First of all, I was commenting on HIS statements.
Further, much of the issue is what he HASN'T done and the fact what he HAS done is far more negative for the country than positive.
Since you've posted this twice now, here are my views.
1) Ordering federal agencies to 'undertake a study' and 'make recomendations' for cuts - is not only meaningless as nothing has been done, but is the old story of having the wolf mind the chicken coop.
2) Order a 'review' of all federal operations to make cuts - nothing has been done.
3) Enforcement of equal pay for women - sounds good, but not really. Examine the Ledbetter issue and you'll see it will give companies cause to not hire women due to risk of lawsuits way in the future due to practices today, judged by future rules. As a working woman, I disagree with this policy.
4, 5, 6 Good job. But I do disagree with the way he announced removal of troops, putting them and our allies at increased risk.
7. OK in theory but there have been issues of not respecting families' privacy.
8, 9, 10 Stated on the list but not real and not done. Seriously, someone is still trying to tout 'transparency' of this administration? No way.
11. Um, OK, but not that strict and questionable when jobs are scarce, is it right to limit someone's opportunities when they leave the government. As administrations change, these folks are out of work and lobbying firms are a great source for their next job. Monitor and manage abuses but don't limit job opportunities. Good intentions but poor execution.
12, 13 Outstanding
14, 15, 16 This is the same thing, worded different ways. I personally support this 100%.
17. Not meaningful as cars are not built with state standards in mind the majority of the time, and California has long imposed emission standards on the industry.
24. Not a good thing! Cites the stimulus as a good thing when it was not. Very poorly executed due to rush and the crisis mentality, resulting in lots of waste and next to no jobs. I put this one out of order because 18, 19, 20 are cited as separate things but are part of the stimulus. Huge spend for little benefit.
18. Sounds good, but lots of money directly to unions and extreme waste on light rail projects that are not financially sustainable, planned for areas of the country that don't want or need them.
19. The majority of schools already had Internet. Some states have returned the funds because of all the rules and regulations attached to the money, including 20 year contracts and contracts only allowed with certain vendors. Government money is never free.
20. Likewise with funds for school construction. School construction is a state issue and this opens the door to even more federal meddling.
21. Nope. There is no evidence Gitmo is being phased out.
22, 23, 24, 26. Some of the worst policy, inexcusable spending, and poorest execution of policy in the history of the county. Yet this fool cites it as a positive thing accomplished.
25. Not really. Yeah, it sounds so easy. Talk to a family who has gone through it. Very difficult and a temporary bandaid fix with no long term benefit.
27, 28. Until the next time we need them.
29. Good.
30., 31 With little regard for the national security needs and safety of the US.
32, 33. Reengaged in discussions. Wow. What an accomplishment.
34. And apologized and bowed to almost each and every one. Ripe with gaffes and embarrassments for America.
35, 36 OK but not a real big deal.
37. Social engineering doomed to fail. Tax write offs would not be needed if they were not too costly for the benefit. The write offs don't even make up for the increased cost.
38. Another bandaid, short term program with no sustainable benefit.
39. A grand example of government waste.
40. Nice in theory but feds only provide matching funds for states. So, this is more federal mandate of state spending and states are broke!
41. A very good thing. Supporting community and volunteer efforts is more effective than federal money giving programs. Not to be confused with Rangel's version of a universal national service act.
42. OH, but not meaningful to the majority of Americans.
43. Adding needless regulations are not a good thing.
And on and on and on.
Many of these are negatives, not positives.
Many are nothing but suggerstions, discussions, and noise.
Many are restated in different ways.
Many are not real and are not done.
Many have little meaning or benefit.
I think I pared this down to 7 or 8 that are real accomplishments. So his report card still shows the harm outweighs the benefit.