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Would you recommend this company


There's an opening near me for a specialty rep... Like I get it everyone's a smartass on cp, and everyone's company is the worst. So go ahead and get those comments out of the way. But putting all that aside... Who would you recommend this company too?

Is this a job you leave a decent job for or is this a job you go for of you're desperate? What type of person should apply for this job? Is this a multi year gig or a bridge job?

You’re going to get a million people on here that are going to tell you no. But go ahead and look at all the boards on cafe pharma for any company, and they say the same shit. TLDR; yes, I would recommend this company, personally. I really like my manager. He’s not a micromanager, but he does expect numbers, however, I don’t feel anxiety over it when they go down. I’m on BH side, and we do have a lot of things working against us, but welcome to pharma… that’s always the case. Overall, I’m in the top 20% (with some rocky-ass quarter and some good ones) so maybe that’s my bias speaking, but I’m happier here than I was at my last company. At the end of the day, it’s all about who your manager is, what your salary is, and how you’re treated. Rumor is they’re changing their bonus structure for the better next year and are going to have 4 quarters instead of 5, which should help all the reps out at the end of the day. Just my two cents. Then again, that could change next month. Pharma.

The responder is correct !!

People complain everywhere HOWEVER think about it.

Do you want to go to a place that has

Legal issues
Retarded managers - people leave here because of managers
Culture which means GSk folks jerk each other off while promoting each other

I can't think of a company that is worse than here

Chances are that if you are joining its because someone left because they reported to a retarded micromanager

I am looking for a new position and I have been looking for six months

Don’t come here

There is no future here

two drugs, both the worst drugs in the disease state

no pipeline

Hey I appreciate you guys giving honest answers.

From the sounds of it, this seems like a job you take when you're unemployed and desperate, not a job you leave a decent job for.

Hey I appreciate you guys giving honest answers.

From the sounds of it, this seems like a job you take when you're unemployed and desperate, not a job you leave a decent job for.

If you are looking to "retire" and "hang out" until you turn 65 then its a decent place depending upon the manager

Many of the managers and representatives are here coasting, until that time or they couldn't get a job anywhere else or they retired from GSK and want something to do however if you want a career then this is the last place to go

I actually have an interview later this week. And this salary seems too good to be true. What's the deal here? You usually don't have salaries this high for an easy sell... I sold tox once upon a time so I'm kinda familiar with the space but something don't add up. Is the drug a stinker or something? I always assumed docs would prefer the injections over counting pills or strips. Why is sublocade not the entire market by now?

You’re going to get a million people on here that are going to tell you no. But go ahead and look at all the boards on cafe pharma for any company, and they say the same shit. TLDR; yes, I would recommend this company, personally. I really like my manager. He’s not a micromanager, but he does expect numbers, however, I don’t feel anxiety over it when they go down. I’m on BH side, and we do have a lot of things working against us, but welcome to pharma… that’s always the case. Overall, I’m in the top 20% (with some rocky-ass quarter and some good ones) so maybe that’s my bias speaking, but I’m happier here than I was at my last company. At the end of the day, it’s all about who your manager is, what your salary is, and how you’re treated. Rumor is they’re changing their bonus structure for the better next year and are going to have 4 quarters instead of 5, which should help all the reps out at the end of the day. Just my two cents. Then again, that could change next month. Pharma.

The entire BH unit should feel anxiety...every day.

I’m a former employee from when Shaun Thaxter was CEO. Was just looking at my current company’s board and thought I’d check in here for old times sake.

Looks like everything is about like it was from the posts above. Does anyone know if Matt in the Indy position is still there? He was a massive tool.

I actually have an interview later this week. And this salary seems too good to be true. What's the deal here? You usually don't have salaries this high for an easy sell... I sold tox once upon a time so I'm kinda familiar with the space but something don't add up. Is the drug a stinker or something? I always assumed docs would prefer the injections over counting pills or strips. Why is sublocade not the entire market by now?

Injectables are a superior product to orals... If that was the only factor driving the market then yes injectables would be the market leader.

The only problem is there's a lot of people who don't want efficacy. They want product. You can't sell a once monthly injection on the street. But you can get a decent payday skimming and selling strips on the street. For that reason this will always be a tough sell.

Injectables are a superior product to orals... If that was the only factor driving the market then yes injectables would be the market leader.

The only problem is there's a lot of people who don't want efficacy. They want product. You can't sell a once monthly injection on the street. But you can get a decent payday skimming and selling strips on the street. For that reason this will always be a tough sell.
Oral is always better!

I’m a former employee from when Shaun Thaxter was CEO. Was just looking at my current company’s board and thought I’d check in here for old times sake.

Looks like everything is about like it was from the posts above. Does anyone know if Matt in the Indy position is still there? He was a massive tool.
He gone! He loved that red head from Missouri

Nope. Our senior leadership sucks. Mark is a CFO not a CEO, he promoted GP and he was involved in todays promotion of JB. Both are terrible decisions. He doesn’t understand the business or the pulse of the company. We are rudderless.