Would You - Dolly Parton


Active Member
  • Wonka   Jun 03, 2011 at 02:16: AM
Was at a picnic this evening and someone showed kind of late because of work so we started singing the Dolly Parton classic "9 to 5" to this person.

This led to an important "would you" discussion and I want to ask my friends here.

Just for the hell of it, would you bang Miss Dolly Parton?
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Was at a picnic this evening and someone showed kind of late because of work so we started singing the Dolly Parton classic "9 to 5" to this person.

This led to an important "would you" discussion and I want to ask my friends here.

Just for the hell of it, would you bang Miss Dolly Parton?

young Dolly or as she is now? not that it matters, yes I would.

About 30 years ago I would. I would do that 74 year-old black woman body-builder though. Some black women age incredibly beautifully. Hell, most do.