Worst RD and why?

The new RDs are doozy’s because they took over regions that no qualified rep would ever consider taking over. Some of the new one’s truly are pathetic a d an embarrassment that Supernus would promote them.

I feel like I need to apologize to my offices after I bring this guy in. Even before he opens his mouth he just looks embarrassing. I thought I knew useless but this guy has brought about a whole new definition to the word for me.

Supernus can you at least train these newbs how to look and act professional? A couple doctors have asked me where they got this one from. Now that’s really embarrassing.

My RD stands in the corner and lurks like a creep. Makes everyone feel uncomfortable. No sense of self awareness. I too have to apologize to my offices after I bring him in.

I feel like I need to apologize to my offices after I bring this guy in. Even before he opens his mouth he just looks embarrassing. I thought I knew useless but this guy has brought about a whole new definition to the word for me.

Supernus can you at least train these newbs how to look and act professional? A couple doctors have asked me where they got this one from. Now that’s really embarrassing.

One of the new RDs is really really really unprofessional.