Tiny tuin aka the reject

This is not even up for debate. The worst RBD winner goes to Steve Tuin. Hands down the WORST. Ever. RBD. This man leads by fear and intimidation, he lies to you and about you, he steals your money, and is a walking compliance nightmare. This company should have stuck with their initial gut decision and left him to go drown another sales team. He is lacking the basic cognizant skills that it takes to be a manager and only cares about his own benefit. He is zero value add to his region, the sales organization, and Intercept as a whole. He represents exactly what this feed is titled – the worst RBD.

This is the best thread ever. My vote is for Rocky Mountain High though. She wanted us to sit in our cars in the parking lots calling offices asking if we could get in. Doesn’t trust her team, which shows.

This is not even up for debate. The worst RBD winner goes to Steve Tuin. Hands down the WORST. Ever. RBD. This man leads by fear and intimidation, he lies to you and about you, he steals your money, and is a walking compliance nightmare. This company should have stuck with their initial gut decision and left him to go drown another sales team. He is lacking the basic cognizant skills that it takes to be a manager and only cares about his own benefit. He is zero value add to his region, the sales organization, and Intercept as a whole. He represents exactly what this feed is titled – the worst RBD.

He seems to spend all his time thinking about how to get us fired instead of leading a team.