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Worst Micromanaging Company Ever


Been with my share of pharmaceutical companies over the last 10-15 years due to layoffs etc. I must say I’ve never experienced anything like the toxic culture at Lilly. They have the most micromanaged company I have ever witnessed. It’s like they want their employees to fail. I’ve also never seen a company track so many freaking metrics. It’s mind boggling. Has it always been this way?

Get used to it. It’s fucking miserable here.
I left 3 years ago, most people I stay in touch with say the same, toxic. Glad I didn’t sell my stock, though. I almost feel guilty profiting on the backs of people who actually make the company run, but are miserable and stuck there with no other choices.

I still work here. I like my job and my team and manager. Also love the stock price and my pension.
Sometimes the people who left were toxic or weren’t working at all. Just sayin

Thank you so much for your honestly. I feel like doing your job isn’t enough. Everyone is trying to one up the next rep by seeing how many extra projects they can take on or committees they can serve on. I’ve never worked for a company where not one positive comment is offered during field ride feedback etc. I’m already looking for something else.

Unlike other companies in which you are measured based on your sales performance and adequately compensated for it, Lilly focuses on the BS projects and ass kissing to get you promoted. In turn, many of the people promoted are the ones who were never really working much or were never solid sales performers. Their projects and ass kissing made them look like they were the best. It’s such a toxic culture and most people don’t realize it until they go work elsewhere and realize it’s much better and compensation much higher else where. Yes, you get a pension but those who were smart to leave to other companies were compensated much more fairly and the compensation elsewhere on bonus and salary IS MUCH HIGHER.

Unlike other companies in which you are measured based on your sales performance and adequately compensated for it, Lilly focuses on the BS projects and ass kissing to get you promoted. In turn, many of the people promoted are the ones who were never really working much or were never solid sales performers. Their projects and ass kissing made them look like they were the best. It’s such a toxic culture and most people don’t realize it until they go work elsewhere and realize it’s much better and compensation much higher else where. Yes, you get a pension but those who were smart to leave to other companies were compensated much more fairly and the compensation elsewhere on bonus and salary IS MUCH HIGHER.

Pensions are somewhat overrated, unless you have no clue how to invest your money.

As for the micromanagement, it has always been there in this industry. I would say just work hard when they are looking and slack off when they are not looking. Its not like you have to go all out and sell with so much energy, everyday. If you are doing this and busting your butt when they are not looking, you are definitely doing the corporate game wrong.

Finally, if you want to make more money, just find another company to work for. The game plan that always made the most sense was moving "out and up" every 2-3 years. Don't sell yourself short. Lilly doesn't care about their employees, like all companies. You are a free agent at the end of the day.

Pensions are somewhat overrated, unless you have no clue how to invest your money.

As for the micromanagement, it has always been there in this industry. I would say just work hard when they are looking and slack off when they are not looking. Its not like you have to go all out and sell with so much energy, everyday. If you are doing this and busting your butt when they are not looking, you are definitely doing the corporate game wrong.

Finally, if you want to make more money, just find another company to work for. The game plan that always made the most sense was moving "out and up" every 2-3 years. Don't sell yourself short. Lilly doesn't care about their employees, like all companies. You are a free agent at the end of the day.
Spot on, you can more than make up the difference by keeping your skills sharp, becoming a free agent, and investing wisely. Why anyone under 40 would even think about the pension is beyond me. It's just as true if you are in your early 40's trying to decide whether to stay until you hit 80, or your 50's already with 80 and trying to decide whether to stay until you hit 90. If the current pension (not the pre-2009 system) is a factor in your decision making, you haven't planned very well.

Unlike other companies in which you are measured based on your sales performance and adequately compensated for it, Lilly focuses on the BS projects and ass kissing to get you promoted. In turn, many of the people promoted are the ones who were never really working much or were never solid sales performers. Their projects and ass kissing made them look like they were the best. It’s such a toxic culture and most people don’t realize it until they go work elsewhere and realize it’s much better and compensation much higher else where. Yes, you get a pension but those who were smart to leave to other companies were compensated much more fairly and the compensation elsewhere on bonus and salary IS MUCH HIGHER.

This is spot on. The PC3 diabetes sales (Triumph) division is particularly toxic and known for its not so well respected leadership.

Been with my share of pharmaceutical companies over the last 10-15 years due to layoffs etc. I must say I’ve never experienced anything like the toxic culture at Lilly. They have the most micromanaged company I have ever witnessed. It’s like they want their employees to fail. I’ve also never seen a company track so many freaking metrics. It’s mind boggling. Has it always been this way?

Been with my share of pharmaceutical companies over the last 10-15 years due to layoffs etc. I must say I’ve never experienced anything like the toxic culture at Lilly. They have the most micromanaged company I have ever witnessed. It’s like they want their employees to fail. I’ve also never seen a company track so many freaking metrics. It’s mind boggling. Has it always been this way?

Unlike other companies in which you are measured based on your sales performance and adequately compensated for it, Lilly focuses on the BS projects and ass kissing to get you promoted. In turn, many of the people promoted are the ones who were never really working much or were never solid sales performers. Their projects and ass kissing made them look like they were the best. It’s such a toxic culture and most people don’t realize it until they go work elsewhere and realize it’s much better and compensation much higher else where. Yes, you get a pension but those who were smart to leave to other companies were compensated much more fairly and the compensation elsewhere on bonus and salary IS MUCH HIGHER.
^^100% accurate.