I nominate mine in the SE. This person thinks they’re so cunning. EVERYONE knows how they manipulated the ratings to HAND President’s Club to someone that does as LITTLE as possible. In addition to putting them on FAB at the end of the year, lying about impact on the navigator (which has been none), making them a mentor, and all of a sudden leading a call just at the end of the year- when they hadn’t lead one during their ENTIRE tenure in the role. I really don’t think this person can get any deeper in the other person’s ass. Even the President Club recipient knows that they did absolutely nothing to justify the award...especially since they complained to many of their colleagues about their manager. Funny how the manager said the complete OPPOSITE of how things really went down- all the while looking pathetic as they BSd their way ons stage trying and failing miserably to come up with a justification as to why the recipient got the award.
Don’t worry, don’t think it wasn’t noted by the manager’s boss....you know, the boss that got the job that the manager THOUGHT they were going to get(without any prior management experience). FOH