Believe every single thing you read on these boards. This company is corrupt from the top down. From billing to marketing to people in power… it’s a compete fraud. Believe everything you hear / read. I wish I took this more seriously when taking a job at Natera. It was all a show and I bought in. While I love my co workers, this is the shadiest lab I have ever worked for. I don’t know how it’s taken this long.. they’re great at covering things up. That’s all I will say. I know more than I ever want to know. If you’re reading this do not make the same mistake I made and buy into the bullshit. The company has money and power in politics but anyone with a brain who has worked in Dx will tell you this is straight up shady. I regret the opportunities I passed up to take this job. They’re so good a luring you in with false promises - but it’s a disaster. I WISH someone would have told me.