Worst KOLL


So now that the dead weight is gone, let's at least voice our frustration in these highly overpaid do-nothing positions. With the exception of 2 of 18 KOLL/KNOLLs these jokers were a huge waste of $$.
Personally, I would vote for the old ghostly KOLL J Calhoun as worst ever

So now that the dead weight is gone, let's at least voice our frustration in these highly overpaid do-nothing positions. With the exception of 2 of 18 KOLL/KNOLLs these jokers were a huge waste of $$.
Personally, I would vote for the old ghostly KOLL J Calhoun as worst ever

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”

Hmmm interesting. Ironically, Socrates never had to work or even had a job.
If there are any people who didn’t think that this was wonderful, it was probably his wife and children. You remember them? They are those people who depend on Socrates to provide for them, to put food on the table. Well, don’t worry if you forgot about them. It’s possible that Socrates did too.