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WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

anonymous in TX

WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

Why were do many HEDs and Has hired with absolutely no experience, no account or managed care backgrounds and many don't even live within the ES they work in. My vote in is for Doneeeeessha in TX and Mandy B. They really think they are "special" and absolutely no talent.


WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

Why were do many HEDs and Has hired with absolutely no experience, no account or managed care backgrounds and many don't even live within the ES they work in. My vote in is for Doneeeeessha in TX and Mandy B. They really think they are "special" and absolutely no talent.
Welcome to genie land! It’s the new way business is done. Done and Man are your future leaders. It’s gonna be bright, just wait and see. True visionaries. Talent is overrated.

WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

Why were do many HEDs and Has hired with absolutely no experience, no account or managed care backgrounds and many don't even live within the ES they work in. My vote in is for Doneeeeessha in TX and Mandy B. They really think they are "special" and absolutely no talent.

I'm disappointed that we hire people, like yourself, who are functionally illiterate. I had difficulty reading your post.

WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

Why were do many HEDs and Has hired with absolutely no experience, no account or managed care backgrounds and many don't even live within the ES they work in. My vote in is for Doneeeeessha in TX and Mandy B. They really think they are "special" and absolutely no talent.

LMAO that D&I for you

WORST HEDs AND HDs out there.

Why were do many HEDs and Has hired with absolutely no experience, no account or managed care backgrounds and many don't even live within the ES they work in. My vote in is for Doneeeeessha in TX and Mandy B. They really think they are "special" and absolutely no talent.

That's an easy one and dead on accurate

It’s a fight for air time in the Metro NY Ecosystem. All hat and no cattle. Focusing on everything but the actual business of delivering medicine to patients and our customers. If I see more JamBoards than customers.

Where's sociopath RPW these days? We finally booted her ass out of Lilly after years of hubby protecting her. Too bad Genentech didn't do their homework on this pathetic POS. She'll be given the heave-ho eventually but how many careers will she ruin and good reps run off? Absolute poison and dumb to boot.

Where's sociopath RPW these days? We finally booted her ass out of Lilly after years of hubby protecting her. Too bad Genentech didn't do their homework on this pathetic POS. She'll be given the heave-ho eventually but how many careers will she ruin and good reps run off? Absolute poison and dumb to boot.
Rebecca's still here and living up to her stellar reputation. Dense leadership buys her BS but since she's a scorpion they'll get bitten too.