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Worst Executive

My vote is for Democrat ex-Indy Mayor Bart Peterson. Hired by Dem JL. Every time I see Bart in the hallway, he has a dumb grin on his face. Can anyone name a single thing he's accomplished since he joined Lilly? Please encourage him to go back into politics, but not in a role in which he can raise my taxes again !

My vote is for Democrat ex-Indy Mayor Bart Peterson. Hired by Dem JL. Every time I see Bart in the hallway, he has a dumb grin on his face. Can anyone name a single thing he's accomplished since he joined Lilly? Please encourage him to go back into politics, but not in a role in which he can raise my taxes again !

do you have any clue about the tax breaks this company gets?

check out opensecrets.org

Last time I checked over a billion dollars. A lot to smile about

My vote is for Democrat ex-Indy Mayor Bart Peterson. Hired by Dem JL. Every time I see Bart in the hallway, he has a dumb grin on his face. Can anyone name a single thing he's accomplished since he joined Lilly? Please encourage him to go back into politics, but not in a role in which he can raise my taxes again !

Accomplishments? Obviously, you've never read his quarterly newsletter. Crafting an email every three months is no easy task at Lilly. He works hard for his 7 figure compensation package.

My vote is for Democrat ex-Indy Mayor Bart Peterson. Hired by Dem JL. Every time I see Bart in the hallway, he has a dumb grin on his face. Can anyone name a single thing he's accomplished since he joined Lilly? Please encourage him to go back into politics, but not in a role in which he can raise my taxes again !
He's done nada of value & is orange as a tether ball. Worst fake tan ever.

It is I. The ace of bace.

Make your compounds smaller. Pretend you understand enzymology.

This is what top chemists do.

OK, if it really is you, who was the first ace of bace? Initials only, he led a large group and did the first Alzheimer's work at Lilly but came up with nothing for his efforts.

Dave Ricks - now that John is gone, he will execute all that stand up to him. Derica was first, then Enrique. He will attack the VP ranks, and usher in the final chapter of Lilly. Sales force goes, alternative marketing channels - then he'll sell us all out. We've been had

Dave Ricks - now that John is gone, he will execute all that stand up to him. Derica was first, then Enrique. He will attack the VP ranks, and usher in the final chapter of Lilly. Sales force goes, alternative marketing channels - then he'll sell us all out. We've been had

If company is trying to save $$ they can make cuts in MHS and sales. Oncology Market managers let go and no one has noticed. Why can't there be cost saving cut on otherRAMs and Market managers? Payer decisions are made at a much higher level and local systems no longer make contracting deals. Time tmake significant cuts to RAMS and Market managers.

Now let's talk about sales. Access is extremely limited. Systems and groups are cutting off access to industry and quality interactions are minimal at best. Time to cut sales.

Bari...have been in training since January 2016 and have sold NOTHING! Brought no revenue to company and with the product being held off until 2020, this is best area to save costs. Selling Taltz to Rheums you say? Rheums are very few and on the whole, do not see reps. This is not worth the cost to retain the Bari sales force. Wake up management and do the difficult in cutting this non revenue producing leech to the company's bottom line.

Diabetes. How do you spell cluster f**k? Diabetes is using selling models from the 1990's. People, smothering customers with multitudes of reps day after day no longer works and will only result in reps continuing to be shut out of offices. Customers don't want to see three reps for Speciality and PC and everyone knows this. What's most disturbing is poor leadership on all levels. It is worrisome that DOS' don't have leadership to propose new customer strategy because they either lack leadership skills and insight to create change or they are just to damn lazy and weak to speak up and recommend change. There are way too many reps and access is very poor. If you want to save $, cutting both PC and Speciality Diabetes by 50% could easily be done and would probably be appreciated by customers.

Oncology....access is minimal at best. I dare management to track 10 reps from each area without reps knowing. I guarantee if you do this, you will quickly verify what we all know and that is Oncolgy reps do nothing and get paid on average $135,000/year plus bonus. Figure out non traditional ways to access these no-see customers and you will immediately save big $$ to the bottom line expenditures.

Alzheimer's business unit. Talk about do-nothing sales force...really? Why spend money here. If a product ever comes to market the information they have today will be updated and have to be shared at that time. Why spend $$ on an area Lilly has no product? This is a good example of poor use of investor resources and wasting $$ on a area that brings no revenue to Lilly's bottom line.

Forteo.... time of opportunity has passed and now with competitors on the market, put this dog out to pasture.

Cuts need to be made in all these areas and from a business perspective I wonder if anyone in leadership has the courage to pull the trigger and start being fiscally responsible in managing Lilly's opex.

If company is trying to save $$ they can make cuts in MHS and sales. Oncology Market managers let go and no one has noticed. Why can't there be cost saving cut on otherRAMs and Market managers? Payer decisions are made at a much higher level and local systems no longer make contracting deals. Time tmake significant cuts to RAMS and Market managers.

Now let's talk about sales. Access is extremely limited. Systems and groups are cutting off access to industry and quality interactions are minimal at best. Time to cut sales.

Bari...have been in training since January 2016 and have sold NOTHING! Brought no revenue to company and with the product being held off until 2020, this is best area to save costs. Selling Taltz to Rheums you say? Rheums are very few and on the whole, do not see reps. This is not worth the cost to retain the Bari sales force. Wake up management and do the difficult in cutting this non revenue producing leech to the company's bottom line.

Diabetes. How do you spell cluster f**k? Diabetes is using selling models from the 1990's. People, smothering customers with multitudes of reps day after day no longer works and will only result in reps continuing to be shut out of offices. Customers don't want to see three reps for Speciality and PC and everyone knows this. What's most disturbing is poor leadership on all levels. It is worrisome that DOS' don't have leadership to propose new customer strategy because they either lack leadership skills and insight to create change or they are just to damn lazy and weak to speak up and recommend change. There are way too many reps and access is very poor. If you want to save $, cutting both PC and Speciality Diabetes by 50% could easily be done and would probably be appreciated by customers.

Oncology....access is minimal at best. I dare management to track 10 reps from each area without reps knowing. I guarantee if you do this, you will quickly verify what we all know and that is Oncolgy reps do nothing and get paid on average $135,000/year plus bonus. Figure out non traditional ways to access these no-see customers and you will immediately save big $$ to the bottom line expenditures.

Alzheimer's business unit. Talk about do-nothing sales force...really? Why spend money here. If a product ever comes to market the information they have today will be updated and have to be shared at that time. Why spend $$ on an area Lilly has no product? This is a good example of poor use of investor resources and wasting $$ on a area that brings no revenue to Lilly's bottom line.

Forteo.... time of opportunity has passed and now with competitors on the market, put this dog out to pasture.

Cuts need to be made in all these areas and from a business perspective I wonder if anyone in leadership has the courage to pull the trigger and start being fiscally responsible in managing Lilly's opex.
This is a great post. Well stated and on target. Proper designed and controlled studies clearly show that rep impact is minimal at best, and when you factor in discounted cash flows, become a money losing proposition. Pharma reps are modern day 'buggy whip' manufacturers, as the old saying goes. The only thing propping up the sales force is the inertia of gutless management.

This 2002 article from The Onion sums it up nicely.
