Worst drug to sell at Takeda; let's take an unofficial poll

Worst drug at Takeda

  • Edarbi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Colcrys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uloric

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dexilant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amitiza

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Okay everyone, we know the slogan. Takeda makes yesterday's drugs at tomorrows prices...LOL, so which drug is the absolute worst and most embarrassing sell for the Takeda rep. Please encourage your peers to vote on this one, you know corporate will never send out such a poll.


Okay everyone, we know the slogan. Takeda makes yesterday's drugs at tomorrows prices...LOL, so which drug is the absolute worst and most embarrassing sell for the Takeda rep. Please encourage your peers to vote on this one, you know corporate will never send out such a poll.

With such an all-star line-up of me-too's,tough to pick because there is no pride in selling any of them!Still stoked for Alo launch though.

All of you voting for Edarbi must have picked up ACTOS as a TAP rep, we did all the work (Takeda rep here) You really thought that you sold this drug (Actos). . .really you just rode someone's coat tail.... My Edarbi sales were slow, the addition of Clor really pumped my sales...get out and work if you truly can sell... this is your opp...make it happen! Learn your studies outcomes.....I am Rocking this drug! Love it!

I'm going to take a wild guess here. The 7 people that have voted for Dexilant must be Takeda legacy Actos reps. Yeah, I know it's tough selling in a competitive market. Especially, when your competition isn't getting pulled by the FDA and automatically you get the scripts due to no other options available. Yeah, it's tough.

Actually Edarbi is the best drug in Takeda's portfolio, clinically speaking. Uloric does not have superiority over 600mg of Allo, basically a me too and an option for patients that cannot tolerate allo. Other than that, no real advantage. Kind of surprising not more votes for uloric. Amitiza's clinical naseau rate is more like 50%, that drug should also receive more votes. Colcrys is a wonderful drug and so is Dexilant. I'd say Uloric and Amitiza are the two worst drugs at TPNA.

Actually Edarbi is the best drug in Takeda's portfolio, clinically speaking. Uloric does not have superiority over 600mg of Allo, basically a me too and an option for patients that cannot tolerate allo. Other than that, no real advantage. Kind of surprising not more votes for uloric. Amitiza's clinical naseau rate is more like 50%, that drug should also receive more votes. Colcrys is a wonderful drug and so is Dexilant. I'd say Uloric and Amitiza are the two worst drugs at TPNA.

Uloric does not have superiority over 300mg Allo

I'm going to take a wild guess here. The 7 people that have voted for Dexilant must be Takeda legacy Actos reps. Yeah, I know it's tough selling in a competitive market. Especially, when your competition isn't getting pulled by the FDA and automatically you get the scripts due to no other options available. Yeah, it's tough.

Interesting someone managed to vote 70 times in 2 days for Dexilant. Has to be a pathetic weak ass Takeda legacy rep that sold Actos. Glad to know I got under your skin!

It is if the doc compares our PI to the other branded PPI's.

My point exactly. Dexilant is so easy to sell, you shouldn't even have to get into a clinical discussion. The drug sells itself, if you have trouble selling this drug you are a worthless rep. That is why all the Takeda legacy Actos reps fail miserably at selling this drug. Funny, the day I posted about the Actos reps there were 7 votes for Dexilant. After a few hours, there were 77 votes. I got under the skin of a certain Takeda legacy that was able to push 70 more votes his way because he was humiliated. Takeda legacy reps do no know how to sell products, they just know how to react to safety information and recalls. It does not make you a good sales rep because you can react to safety concerns and have your drug finish #1 by default because the others were pulled from the market.
If Takeda legacy Actos reps were so superior clinically, why aren't they doing a better job selling Edarbi or uloric? I know why, because the safety of their competitors have not been pulled or questioned, thus the scripts are not coming in by default like they did for Actos. Look at what Takeda legacy did with Rozerem. This is my point exactly, back to Dexilant. Dexilant is such an easy sell, only a Takeda legacy rep would bitch about it being a hard sell because the business isn't being handed to them on a silver platter like it was for Actos.

My point exactly. Dexilant is so easy to sell, you shouldn't even have to get into a clinical discussion. The drug sells itself, if you have trouble selling this drug you are a worthless rep. That is why all the Takeda legacy Actos reps fail miserably at selling this drug. Funny, the day I posted about the Actos reps there were 7 votes for Dexilant. After a few hours, there were 77 votes. I got under the skin of a certain Takeda legacy that was able to push 70 more votes his way because he was humiliated. Takeda legacy reps do no know how to sell products, they just know how to react to safety information and recalls. It does not make you a good sales rep because you can react to safety concerns and have your drug finish #1 by default because the others were pulled from the market.
If Takeda legacy Actos reps were so superior clinically, why aren't they doing a better job selling Edarbi or uloric? I know why, because the safety of their competitors have not been pulled or questioned, thus the scripts are not coming in by default like they did for Actos. Look at what Takeda legacy did with Rozerem. This is my point exactly, back to Dexilant. Dexilant is such an easy sell, only a Takeda legacy rep would bitch about it being a hard sell because the business isn't being handed to them on a silver platter like it was for Actos.

Hey Tappie, get a clue. I could sit here and explain to you why Actos was not an easy sell and it was all clinical conversations and changing physicians mindset and writing habits and then defending the product in the final stages of its life cycle when new class of drugs entering the market at the same time but you wouldnt understand. Its too complicated of a concept for you...And another thing, I love how you think people based their vote on something you said. The poll is first and then you read the posts. You talk about Actos reps as if Tappies havent picked up Actos since 08. It has been 4 years since there was a TAP anyway so get over yourself. 4 years in the pharma world is a lifetime. And why do you keep tabs as to what reps are from TAP or from Takeda unless you have a problem with someone specific in your district? Grow up and call out the persons BS or if they are performing like crap, good for you. But most likely, you are struggling and have been since the good old TAP days where you were dropping a ton of samples, get signatures on paper, holding back forms to mail at later dates and never work. If you are a good sales rep, all these products are easy. I have consistently made over 100% every quarter regardless of what product I have sold and I have sold Actos, Dex, Uloric, Roz and Col. But I do have to say the easiest sell by far was Dex and this is coming from one of those Takeda Leg reps. I wish I still had it!! Continue to think the world revolves around you and your comments got those 77 votes lol......

I'm Takeda legacy. Edarbi is 5 times harder to sell than Actos! Big difference, Actos brought an unmet need to the medical community and Edarbi is the 8th ARB. Nuff said!

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