Worst bonus payouts?


My count was off by 9 because they said they didn’t “capture” the data in time because it went direct to smaller SPP but told they’ll make it right. I heard that last payout.
I wonder if the top 10 and the rest of “the chosen” (people that went to derm conferences to tropical locations for ZERO reason) got paid on BIs that aren’t approved yet but in their count? F this bullshit.

Well I think that should just about do it. If you honestly busted your ass on Ilumya and received this insult you just mentally quit today.
If you are a slug that is an under performer well you are happy with whatever garbage they through your way.
To leadership: the road to bankruptcy has been secured.

My count was off by 9 because they said they didn’t “capture” the data in time because it went direct to smaller SPP but told they’ll make it right. I heard that last payout.
I wonder if the top 10 and the rest of “the chosen” (people that went to derm conferences to tropical locations for ZERO reason) got paid on BIs that aren’t approved yet but in their count? F this bullshit.

WTF are you talking about? “The Chosen” Who went anywhere without deserving it? EVERYONE was paid on BI’s in Q3.....AND, everyone got paid twice on BIs submitted before end of
Nov. Get off your lazy ass and work instead of whining.

WTF are you talking about? “The Chosen” Who went anywhere without deserving it? EVERYONE was paid on BI’s in Q3.....AND, everyone got paid twice on BIs submitted before end of
Nov. Get off your lazy ass and work instead of whining.

Could the venom get any worse on this team or about this company? You have top salespeople all over the rank reports even bottom third and it doesn’t mean they are a “lazy ass” or not doing their job by a long shot and subpar reps towards top which is crazy but you know that’s how it is. The hate, finger pointing, and juvenile behavior need to stop. Disgusting behavior whatever your rank, whatever you got paid, whatever trip you may or may not have gone on. Who cares. Do your own job and worry about you and you alone.

Could the venom get any worse on this team or about this company? You have top salespeople all over the rank reports even bottom third and it doesn’t mean they are a “lazy ass” or not doing their job by a long shot and subpar reps towards top which is crazy but you know that’s how it is. The hate, finger pointing, and juvenile behavior need to stop. Disgusting behavior whatever your rank, whatever you got paid, whatever trip you may or may not have gone on. Who cares. Do your own job and worry about you and you alone.

Ok, holier-than-thou one!
So you’ve never bitched about this place? Be real, we all know it’s a complete shit-show.

It's all coming to an end sooner than you think.

This is the most stressed I’ve ever been in a job. I need a paycheck and hard to stomach a lot of crap that goes on. I admit I foolishly took FL’s tale of great things we could do and money to be made here.
Looking to leave, trying to leave but for now gotta get through it.

This is the most stressed I’ve ever been in a job. I need a paycheck and hard to stomach a lot of crap that goes on. I admit I foolishly took FL’s tale of great things we could do and money to be made here.
Looking to leave, trying to leave but for now gotta get through it.

I hear ya.
You’re definitely not alone. I seriously don’t know of anyone who’s not looking to get out. My RSM is very open about it.

WTF are you talking about? “The Chosen” Who went anywhere without deserving it? EVERYONE was paid on BI’s in Q3.....AND, everyone got paid twice on BIs submitted before end of
Nov. Get off your lazy ass and work instead of whining.

BIs were front money only. Paid only of filled script. They should fire every FRM and the HUB mgr for causing the shit show. FRMs worked the reps they liked while others had no support at all. Many reps that busted their ass will go hungry thanks to shitty FRMs. So is everyone looking? Hell yes. Will even one FRM be called out? Hell no. Total bs and the field is walking away from this garbage. BTW what ever happened to sweeping changes within the FRMs? Still have my “phoning it in” FRM working part-time. Still no follow up. Still no pull through. Thanks for absolutely zero support to the field Abhay. Way to read the failures and address them.

BIs were front money only. Paid only of filled script. They should fire every FRM and the HUB mgr for causing the shit show. FRMs worked the reps they liked while others had no support at all. Many reps that busted their ass will go hungry thanks to shitty FRMs. So is everyone looking? Hell yes. Will even one FRM be called out? Hell no. Total bs and the field is walking away from this garbage. BTW what ever happened to sweeping changes within the FRMs? Still have my “phoning it in” FRM working part-time. Still no follow up. Still no pull through. Thanks for absolutely zero support to the field Abhay. Way to read the failures and address them.

Most of the original FRM's have already fled this shit hole. Oh and by the way, the FRM's were also duped. Ask any one of them. They are all disgruntled.

BIs were front money only. Paid only of filled script. They should fire every FRM and the HUB mgr for causing the shit show. FRMs worked the reps they liked while others had no support at all. Many reps that busted their ass will go hungry thanks to shitty FRMs. So is everyone looking? Hell yes. Will even one FRM be called out? Hell no. Total bs and the field is walking away from this garbage. BTW what ever happened to sweeping changes within the FRMs? Still have my “phoning it in” FRM working part-time. Still no follow up. Still no pull through. Thanks for absolutely zero support to the field Abhay. Way to read the failures and address them.

Abhay is incompetent. He’s been told what the issues are, they’re absolutely legit, and he’s done nothing. Zero.
He should go back to his day job of trading based on inside information.

Most of the original FRM's have already fled this shit hole. Oh and by the way, the FRM's were also duped. Ask any one of them. They are all disgruntled.

I agree my FRM had favorites but even though most attention given to their BIs the FRM wasn’t always successful in pulling through. I have also heard from my FRM it’s a mess on what direction they are being told also. A realignment suppose to happen so some FRMs aren’t even receiving their current assigned reports. I’ve lost scripts where office is like F This S**t!

I agree my FRM had favorites but even though most attention given to their BIs the FRM wasn’t always successful in pulling through. I have also heard from my FRM it’s a mess on what direction they are being told also. A realignment suppose to happen so some FRMs aren’t even receiving their current assigned reports. I’ve lost scripts where office is like F This S**t!

There are unlimited offices to fuck over. Right? I mean treating our customers like shit will never haunt us. Right?

There are unlimited offices to fuck over. Right? I mean treating our customers like shit will never haunt us. Right?

I left this place for this very reason. When offices started saying "you lied to us" and questioning my integrity (i sold exactly what and how i was told to), i shut it down and found a reputable employer. I would advise everyone else to do the same, and i wish you the best.

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