Worried IVESCO Rep


Has anyone heard more about our futures? I am worried. They are saying they are going to evaluate who they want to keep. They didn't keep anyone from Nelson or PCI and the Micro beef people left. I am getting my resume out.

Has anyone heard more about our futures? I am worried. They are saying they are going to evaluate who they want to keep. They didn't keep anyone from Nelson or PCI and the Micro beef people left. I am getting my resume out.

MWI has far superior reps so why would they want Ivesco reps? You should get your resume warmed up as should most loser Ivesco reps. MWI has a very effective business model which requires quality throughout. Ivesco reps do not meet the MWI standard.

MWI has far superior reps so why would they want Ivesco reps? You should get your resume warmed up as should most loser Ivesco reps. MWI has a very effective business model which requires quality throughout. Ivesco reps do not meet the MWI standard.

Then why buy Ivesco? It was for the business which the reps have and the MWI reps don't.

The past few acquisitions lead me to believe MWI will keep some, if not all of the inside sales reps and probably only keep the OSR's that don't overlap with current MWI sales reps or have a strong loyalty/presence in their territories.

So much for "don't worry, they bought Ivesco for the reps". I heard they let 20 go on Monday and 45 more will be fired at the of the month. I was told we where going to all keep our jobs. MWI Sucks!

Did anyone else listen to the conference call? We were told IVESCO was going to be run separate. Now they are going to integrate us in a year. Do these guys ever tell the truth?

all will be ok so long as the main office gets shut down and all the crooks there terminated. If that happens I will keep my mwi account, otherwise will buy elsewhere. Ivesco is crooked from the top down. I named some of the people there liars to their faces (well on the phone the one that at least had a half a cajone to call me back and proved it to him that they lied to me. they still owe me for even making me mad anyway. :)

Just remember MWI bought Ivesco. There will be little or no Ivesco input in the integration. MWI will make customers conform to their way of doing business. They want you to think it is
all about the customer,but it is about the stock price only.