People who “make it” up the ranks are so unqualified and an embarrassment. Look how they speak at meetings. They need serious training. They’re hanging on to their only buddy lifelines because they won’t last anywhere else. I’m actually embarrassed and cringe every time I hear them pipe upHourly kick in the Dick by a bunch of lowlifes who got lucky to get jobs they don’t deserve. Napoleans galore.
People who “make it” up the ranks are so unqualified and an embarrassment. Look how they speak at meetings. They need serious training. They’re hanging on to their only buddy lifelines because they won’t last anywhere else. I’m actually embarrassed and cringe every time I hear them pipe up
going to a meeting and spotting the loudest, most ignorant, condescending, inebriated little bafoon and realizing he's SVP
Being held accountable for insane sales quotas when the lab can’t keep up.
Watching unqualified frat boys burn a company down.
Alpha Sigma PhraudBeing held accountable for insane sales quotas when the lab can’t keep up.
Watching unqualified frat boys burn a company down.
What direction they goin in? They all over the place! Do this.. do that.. don’t talk to media.. had they actually used their brain the company wouldn’t be in this mess! Good luck comin back ya can’t. kiss the gravy train it’s about to be a brutal awakening for some
You can’t draw up comp plans when you’re hammered!!Real question how does sm and pg still have jobs? Sm responsible for not fixing operations and does not understand the oncology space. so many stupid decisions. pg focused onc team on hereditary, is abusive snd responsible for every shit comp plan. This place is a joke.
Majority of hires by "friends" are the biggest dirt bag sales reps. They get away with it because they'll never get called on it. Birds of a feather.. fly head first into a pile of shit and dieLetting conniving vultures claw n scratch because sane ones peaced out. My high schoolers have more class and professionalism. If they poured as much effort into working like they do being total shit bags they may have a chance… still a long shot because you gotta have talent and be trustworthy