Work/life balance???


How many times am I gonna open email from my RBD and exclaim "Are you friggin' kidding me?" Not only are they now telling me HOW to do my job -- or else -- now they are telling me to work early mornings, late nights and Saturdays. Nice of them to let mw have Sundays off. There is no life balance at this place anymore. What the hell has happened to this great company? But don't say'll be booted out the door faster than you can say Megace ES. Nothing but off-label promotion and forget the Pharma's pizza late nights with the nurses. Woo-hoo I love this job!

i'm with you, their is no pharma in this pharma job its just a bunch of off label promotion and shady upper management that wants us working 6 days a week, this place is a sinking ship and morale is at an all time low, get out while you still can!!!!

i'm with you, their is no pharma in this pharma job its just a bunch of off label promotion and shady upper management that wants us working 6 days a week, this place is a sinking ship and morale is at an all time low, get out while you still can!!!!

Do this....start taping conversations of your conference calls and your ride alongs with managers. If you get Brad or "the drunk" on a cc start asking questions about "off-label" promotion and selling to HIV patients in nursing homes that don't have any HIV patients. They will try to find a reason to fire you and when they try it you now have the recorded evidence of why they tried to fire you. When they try and fire you ask for 2 years severance and you will more than likely get it. By the way...HR reads this thing every day....

glad they monitor this and should fire losers like you

they have 10,000 applicants waiting to replace you so beware

you are overpaid underworked with juicy benefits that make gm workers look poor

glad they monitor this and should fire losers like you

they have 10,000 applicants waiting to replace you so beware

you are overpaid underworked with juicy benefits that make gm workers look poor

Just proof that GC in HR has nothing better to do than monitor this website. What a pathetic loser. A little afraid that we have some leverage against your unethical practices to get rid of people? Ha,ha dickwad there is strength in recording people. By the way, I found many free digital recording devices on the web that you can download to your computer. There will be nothing better than taking these clowns down. Remember whistleblowers get 30% of the proceeds of a settlement.

Do this....start taping conversations of your conference calls and your ride alongs with managers. If you get Brad or "the drunk" on a cc start asking questions about "off-label" promotion and selling to HIV patients in nursing homes that don't have any HIV patients. They will try to find a reason to fire you and when they try it you now have the recorded evidence of why they tried to fire you. When they try and fire you ask for 2 years severance and you will more than likely get it. By the way...HR reads this thing every day....

That's because SM in HR has nothing better to do with his time than spy on everyone.

They will try to find a reason to fire you and when they try it you now have the recorded evidence of why they tried to fire you. When they try and fire you ask for 2 years severance and you will more than likely get it.

You mean like JB did, to keep his job ?? Gets caught with his pants down in his office with his little honey and then after the video tape proof comes out, threaten to blow the whistle on all the goings on. You gotta love this drama. As the Par Turns.

Do this....start taping conversations of your conference calls and your ride alongs with managers. If you get Brad or "the drunk" on a cc start asking questions about "off-label" promotion and selling to HIV patients in nursing homes that don't have any HIV patients. They will try to find a reason to fire you and when they try it you now have the recorded evidence of why they tried to fire you. When they try and fire you ask for 2 years severance and you will more than likely get it. By the way...HR reads this thing every day....


How many times am I gonna open email from my RBD and exclaim "Are you friggin' kidding me?" Not only are they now telling me HOW to do my job -- or else -- now they are telling me to work early mornings, late nights and Saturdays. Nice of them to let mw have Sundays off. There is no life balance at this place anymore. What the hell has happened to this great company? But don't say'll be booted out the door faster than you can say Megace ES. Nothing but off-label promotion and forget the Pharma's pizza late nights with the nurses. Woo-hoo I love this job!

That's what happens when we only have one lame product to sell. If management had gotten us some more products as promised, we'd be selling like a real company does. What's the phrase? Squeezing blood out of a stone?

Speaking from history with another company,the HR depts at all companies monitor these boards.They want to be in the loop in case of a lawsuit since this information is in the public domain.

1) anyone who was or is a sales representative or was in a position where you took direction on where to go, what to say and how to say it, is a witness...plain and simple;
2) The Federal DA's Office is actually called the US Attorney's Office, and they are located at 970 Broad Street in Newark, NJ. The mai number is 973-645-2700. Call and ask for the Assistant United States Attorney in the Health Care Fraud Unit who is investigating PAR and Strativa. You will get where you need to be;
3) I would want to get in front of this so that in the end I am not having a finger pointed at me in any way shape or form. Read about the other companies involved in the off label stuff, and you will see that the upper management of thos companies will always call it a rouge employee wanting to make a bigger bonus or get promoted.

The train is coming, and its always better to be on the train than under the train.

FYI: The investigation is being run by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General. The main number for that office is 212-264-1692. You can call and ask them to put you in touch with the agent for Strativa/PAR.