Women's Health


I have been contacted by a recruiter about selling women's health products made by Duchesnay. I've only ever worked direct and I'm not familiar with the "contract" side of the business. All of the Duchesnay threads are several years old, so I'm looking for timely information on pay, benefits, culture, etc. Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am an experienced Women's Health rep with good sales numbers. I applied and recruiter told me that the manager was not looking for experience. She had no interest in professional relationships or physician references.

I have a similar background, WH experience, relationships, sales numbers/awards. I did not even receive a phone screen. Recruiter told me that they were looking for a 'minority/candidate of color'.

im a Minority of color with excellent sales numbers and several years of experience and relationships in the territory. I’m always passed over for less experienced white applicants. Welcome to my world!