Women's Health


planned cuts:

Women's Health
PC territories 2 up

Sorry folks it's just business

No, no no. Our leader in the East just assured us in his own words that there will be absolutely no cuts to the PC sales team. No planned scenarios for any PC cuts. So, please everyone let us breath us big sigh of relief and get that morale back up. Because why in the world would leadership lie to us?

With Trump in office and the likely defunding of Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act AND Nuvaring going generic- what are the thoughts on the future of Women's Health division?

With Trump in office and the likely defunding of Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act AND Nuvaring going generic- what are the thoughts on the future of Women's Health division?
The Donald's new plan is simple. Females over 40 don't get them. It's not worth the investment. Don't fix a old jalope. Upgrade to one with more options and runs better.

With Nuvaring going generic, nothing in the pipeline what is the future of Women's Health at Merck?

Nothing will happen to the reps in Women's Health...By far, the most teflon, division at Merck where the CTLs are assured of high paying jobs for life, so they can continue to conduct their teleconferences in their bathrobes, and work a few hours a week...Those deals with the devil sure are cushy...

No, no no. Our leader in the East just assured us in his own words that there will be absolutely no cuts to the PC sales team. No planned scenarios for any PC cuts. So, please everyone let us breath us big sigh of relief and get that morale back up. Because why in the world would leadership lie to us?

yeah right. keep believing that you stupid dumb fuck blonde

The pharmaceutical rep job is going by way of the land line telephone: obsolete.
Actually you are wrong. With new technology you don't need as many scientists. Reps make money. That is why we are paid so much. Over the last 10 years more scientific jobs have been outsourced or told to hit the streets than rep jobs. A degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering are really of little value anymore. You can do more with a Communications degree now.

Disagree. More pharma companies have gotten rid of reps, increased territories, eliminated, etc. continued less face time, no see, providers requiring so., etc.
stop it. a rep can find another job. there are sooooo many scientists still looking. they are looking and every r&d company is looking to fill slot by people outside america. that tells me they are not qualified for the position because they went to school, worked hard, and got degrees you can wipe your ass with.

Actually you are wrong. With new technology you don't need as many scientists. Reps make money. That is why we are paid so much. Over the last 10 years more scientific jobs have been outsourced or told to hit the streets than rep jobs. A degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering are really of little value anymore. You can do more with a Communications degree now.

You are completely delusional...Trust me on this...A powder puff degree in Communications, (I know - I have one) is worth very little, especially coupled with a long "career" in pharmaceutical sales...I got lucky and was able to retire after 5 years of futility looking for new work after being forced out of Merck.

I would trade my Communications degree for one in Science or Chemical engineering in a heartbeat. It is wishful thinking that a liberal arts degree has more value...

Reps make money huh? Is that why vacant territories often outperform those managed by reps?? Denial ain't just a river in Egypt I guess...

You are completely delusional...Trust me on this...A powder puff degree in Communications, (I know - I have one) is worth very little, especially coupled with a long "career" in pharmaceutical sales...I got lucky and was able to retire after 5 years of futility looking for new work after being forced out of Merck.

I would trade my Communications degree for one in Science or Chemical engineering in a heartbeat. It is wishful thinking that a liberal arts degree has more value...

Reps make money huh? Is that why vacant territories often outperform those managed by reps?? Denial ain't just a river in Egypt I guess...
Total BS. Most reps find jobs after 3 months. I know scientists who were out of work for a year plus. They had to take other jobs. Don't tell me.

Total BS. Most reps find jobs after 3 months. I know scientists who were out of work for a year plus. They had to take other jobs. Don't tell me.

I am going to tell you , cuz you don't know what you are talking about...These "scientists" you mention that are out of work must have zero social or interviewing skills.

Young reps find jobs easily...Over 35 or 40 it gets much, much more difficult...You must be a young powder puff yourself...Good luck with that Communications Degree cochise, once Merck processes you through their highly efficient meat grinder.

You probably have a safety pin on your sweater, and are just now emerging from your "safe zone."

beware Trump is planning to outlaw reimbursement for contraceptive for all women over 50. Typical aggressive mysogenist move

Support the recount ! Fight the electoral college ! Hillary will stand for women - no matter our age we have a right to choose !!!

To the socialistic democrat above; it will go back to the states. And we have an electoral college for a reason. The few million for HRC is because of the illegals, dead people, felons and everyone else in CA because you people will not allow a universal id card. So live with it.

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