womens health changes?


Jerry stated minor changes. what the hell does tht mean. and also what products would we carry from forest as we only currently have two in each womens health division.
I keep hearing minor changes and I want to believe it but I just don't trust these guys.
any thoughts?

Jerry stated minor changes. what the hell does tht mean. and also what products would we carry from forest as we only currently have two in each womens health division.
I keep hearing minor changes and I want to believe it but I just don't trust these guys.
any thoughts?

Everyone will carry Linzess

Jerry stated minor changes. what the hell does tht mean. and also what products would we carry from forest as we only currently have two in each womens health division.
I keep hearing minor changes and I want to believe it but I just don't trust these guys.
any thoughts?

You are correct to not trust anyone in up ever management. They will say what they think you need to hear at the time it is being said. They only care about what they get out of the deal.

Jerry stated minor changes. what the hell does tht mean. and also what products would we carry from forest as we only currently have two in each womens health division.
I keep hearing minor changes and I want to believe it but I just don't trust these guys.
any thoughts?

On the call, JL flashed a slide that showed WH carrying 8 products including Lolo Minastrin Estrace and Nuvessa (what the hell is that? The old name of the patch? nothing shows up in a Google search)-

OK, according to JL room in the bags for 4 or 5 more on each side if we continue to overlap Lolo.

So say we all get 3 more products. What else would they give us? Linzess and maybe Viibryd? Plus what? Enablex? Doryx for STD's? They gonna put Gelnique in the lineup? -or-that's ridiculous, right?

More likely, ultimately there will be 8, when the pipeline turns into products in 3 years

So that means there are too many WH reps...

I say it's even odds: half of WH gets the boot. Wait I mean gets the opportunity to bid on postings in other divisions.

BTW...Anybody know what's up with SAS? All going bye bye?

On the call, JL flashed a slide that showed WH carrying 8 products including Lolo Minastrin Estrace and Nuvessa (what the hell is that? The old name of the patch? nothing shows up in a Google search)-

OK, according to JL room in the bags for 4 or 5 more on each side if we continue to overlap Lolo.

So say we all get 3 more products. What else would they give us? Linzess and maybe Viibryd? Plus what? Enablex? Doryx for STD's? They gonna put Gelnique in the lineup? -or-that's ridiculous, right?

More likely, ultimately there will be 8, when the pipeline turns into products in 3 years

So that means there are too many WH reps...

I say it's even odds: half of WH gets the boot. Wait I mean gets the opportunity to bid on postings in other divisions.

BTW...Anybody know what's up with SAS? All going bye bye?

He said on the conference call that SAaS is getting LoLo and the new IUD, along with WH 2 ams 1(???) reps. That was a surprise regarding loll. My thoughts is this is a translation time for SAs to be in all the OB gyn offices now so they can launch the new IUD the first of the year.

On the call, JL flashed a slide that showed WH carrying 8 products including Lolo Minastrin Estrace and Nuvessa (what the hell is that? The old name of the patch? nothing shows up in a Google search)-

OK, according to JL room in the bags for 4 or 5 more on each side if we continue to overlap Lolo.

So say we all get 3 more products. What else would they give us? Linzess and maybe Viibryd? Plus what? Enablex? Doryx for STD's? They gonna put Gelnique in the lineup? -or-that's ridiculous, right?

More likely, ultimately there will be 8, when the pipeline turns into products in 3 years

So that means there are too many WH reps...

I say it's even odds: half of WH gets the boot. Wait I mean gets the opportunity to bid on postings in other divisions.

BTW...Anybody know what's up with SAS? All going bye bye?

Worst analysis ever. Actavis ramped up their WH division to a whopping 600+ reps covering the country in large territories. Why lop them in half only to rehire again in the near future. The push is on LoLo and Estrace. WH is Actavis bread and butter, just like our Psych division. It's what they know and who they are. Further, there is no Forest overlap. They will be the safest division by far.
Everyone else, especially GI and Uro, are in for a ride.
SAS is interesting. I have no idea what those people do over there so I will not comment

Worst analysis ever. Actavis ramped up their WH division to a whopping 600+ reps covering the country in large territories. Why lop them in half only to rehire again in the near future. The push is on LoLo and Estrace. WH is Actavis bread and butter, just like our Psych division. It's what they know and who they are. Further, there is no Forest overlap. They will be the safest division by far.
Everyone else, especially GI and Uro, are in for a ride.
SAS is interesting. I have no idea what those people do over there so I will not comment

There's not 600 reps in WH--150 WH 1 and 150 WH 2 plus the SAS reps that are much lower in numbers.

Worst analysis ever. Actavis ramped up their WH division to a whopping 600+ reps covering the country in large territories. Why lop them in half only to rehire again in the near future. The push is on LoLo and Estrace. WH is Actavis bread and butter, just like our Psych division. It's what they know and who they are. Further, there is no Forest overlap. They will be the safest division by far.
Everyone else, especially GI and Uro, are in for a ride.
SAS is interesting. I have no idea what those people do over there so I will not comment

Not true Less than 300 reps in total.

So far they have chopped 2 of the 5 products they started with in January. Only 3 products in their collective lineup 2 OC's and Estrace Only dedicated new product on the way (in 2015) is the patch Way too many people and many spread too thin in their territories

Something's going to change. Didn't JL said DMs will have 10 reps on their teams? That spells cuts across the board

If SAS get Lolo too it'll be just like Forest--overload specialty offices with reps and destroy credibility. Awesome.

Not true Less than 300 reps in total.

So far they have chopped 2 of the 5 products they started with in January. Only 3 products in their collective lineup 2 OC's and Estrace Only dedicated new product on the way (in 2015) is the patch Way too many people and many spread too thin in their territories

Something's going to change. Didn't JL said DMs will have 10 reps on their teams? That spells cuts across the board

If SAS get Lolo too it'll be just like Forest--overload specialty offices with reps and destroy credibility. Awesome.
I believe the 10 reps per team referred to the primary care side of the business.

I think SAS is getting Lolo only to help them set up their relationships with all the OB GYNs In Their area; this is a pre cursor for the IUD . They have not called on the major players in this market with much depth. This gives them 4 months to discover the "lay of the land" before going in with a new "buy and bill" product. They need to build these relationships and credibility.

Also, if they share the IUD with a WH teams, this gives the individuals the opportunity to build that professional relationship with the Actavis partner--at least In Theory.

My GUESS is WH is safe for the most part. If drugs don't perform close to forecast, reductions in the sales force will be made. Like everything else in health care, it is about cost containment!

So with 300 total reps in the two divisions any speculation on changes and head count reduction? Now or in the near future?

There's several new products being launched,if approved, over the next 2 years.it would say it all depends on their success, as with all new product launches. I would not be surprise if the 2 women's health teams are more mirrored moving forward,but maybe I'm wrong.

* no overlap

We have heard every possible scenario concerning WH. Stay as we are, pick up "fringe " products within the Ob/gyn market, still have the small overlap that exists wih the "fringe" products.

When they discussed no overlap, I believe they meant not being on the same "team" such as GI and CNS that falls under the primary care division. I may be wrong but that is what I got out of it. Seriously, what % of your business comes from OB/gyns for Linzess and the CNS products in the overall scheme of things?

Presently WH2 calls on urologists as does the urology division does. It's hard to make everything perfectly "pure". There will be overlap but kept to a minimum amount.

So with 300 total reps in the two divisions any speculation on changes and head count reduction? Now or in the near future?

Basically told not "much" change at this time. This could change before it is all said and done. There are several products coming to fruition within the next 24 months with possibly 2 launches in the Q1 2015. I'm the same comment, it was asked that with all the new products, would they expand the WH side; the answer was "no plans; everyone will carry multiple Products". As we all know things change very rapidly in the market, so what is said today can be thrown completely out the window next month.