With the stock decline by 1/2 since 09-2012, what is next?


THV is an important bet, but what about other initiatives, for example in HVT, Critical Care or emerging markets, and their successful execution to mitigate the THV risks?

Listening to this week’s earnings call, the management does not appear to be showing a balanced strategy and its robust implementation. It looks like the company may have some fundamental challenges beneath the surface.

With this significant market cap decline, it may become a takeover target. Any thoughts or comments?

As everyone swoons over TAVR's future? st jude is is cleaning EW's clock with trifecta with regular valve cases. Great hemodynamics and good peer reviewed lit. EW tissue valves are Ew's cash coach so losing share hurts big time

the sky is falling... insert random conspiracy theory... insert competitor propaganda...

edwards products are class leading... The stock is highly speculative due to TAVR... everyone should shut up and buy EW around 60...

Thanks me by the end of this quarter...


THV is an important bet, but what about other initiatives, for example in HVT, Critical Care or emerging markets, and their successful execution to mitigate the THV risks?

Listening to this week’s earnings call, the management does not appear to be showing a balanced strategy and its robust implementation. It looks like the company may have some fundamental challenges beneath the surface.

With this significant market cap decline, it may become a takeover target. Any thoughts or comments?

Took my dad for a TVR - they said he wasn't sick enough
open valve now

If you happened to be at a sapien study sight that makes sense. I think they will be selective with patients so that they have great outcomes benefit in tbd results of the second study (currently enrolling). This will the differentiation between sapien and the rest of the pack (corevalve, portico, jenavalve, etc)

Corevalve sites are less stringent with the study as they are looking to get implants (they want $) this will result in a higher rate of rhythm disturbances with corevalve leading to higher number of patients requiring Pacers/defibrillators...(ironically, Medtronic CRM benefits from that side effect)

Anyway, when the next study results come out sapien will have a clear outcomes benefit which is NOT a class effect (other devices cant claim) and the stock will rebound handsomely... Just my guess.

ew at 70+

I hope you guys bought at 63 and made some money. Or do you prefer to waste time and bash the stock on bs anonymous message boards....

I am selling at 75 then buying when it goes back to 63... who is in?

To be honest, if someone (JNJ, ABT, COV, or other) acquired EW now, it would help to clean up the good old boys club and boost the share price. As a former employee, I see all divisions, but Transcatheter Valves, underperforming, so I have lost my money as an investor. Not sure how sustainable the Sapien business model’s gonna be either.

Told you the stock would tank. 2014 not
looking so good. Heads will roll. Not able
to deliver. I guess after sticking it to the
docs the last few years is finally catching
up. Not so strong now!!!

ew is low 60s... I am buying...

I will respond to this thread in 2014 when the speculation on the quarterly results send the stock back to 70+

If you want to make money give it a try.

Conversely, you can type bullshit into an anonymous blog and feel good about "i told ya so"

Ew at 61 time to buy again

I hope you guys have been buying sub 65 and selling for a profit before the earnings ..

Bring on the bashing... I could give a shit I, just want to make money.

Well the reason the stock tanked was because THV was over sold and there were never enough qualified institutions to start transcatheter. So what did the management do?
They put 1/2 of THV salesforce on performance plans and MGT cashed in their millions of dollars of options before it tanked