Witch Hunts, a normal Mgt. Tool at NVS.


What is it w/ this company? Instead of having normal adult conversations w/ Representatives ABLs regularly use the Witch Hunt as an acceptable management tool? ABLs seem to try to manage by fear, no wonder why NVS has such a low perception in the Pharma community w/ the company treating Reps w/ such low regard. Why even have a Sales Force if you don't even value them?


What is it w/ this company? Instead of having normal adult conversations w/ Representatives ABLs regularly use the Witch Hunt as an acceptable management tool? ABLs seem to try to manage by fear, no wonder why NVS has such a low perception in the Pharma community w/ the company treating Reps w/ such low regard. Why even have a Sales Force if you don't even value them?

I have been in this business far too long and I never experienced the major turnover here as an acceptable practice by management..I also never experienced so many people wanting to leave because of management.In the past people left for opportunity or salary increase.Here they are willing to leave and start somewhere new for lower compensation

I have been in this business far too long and I never experienced the major turnover here as an acceptable practice by management..I also never experienced so many people wanting to leave because of management.In the past people left for opportunity or salary increase.Here they are willing to leave and start somewhere new for lower compensation

This has become a very toxic company. A few years ago the turnover was high and they had to do something about it. I was not aware that it was getting so bad again.

I sat drinking my latte with bourbon at a Panera Bread. This idiot diversity candidate movartis Manager is sitting with a few of his reps bragging that his salary is $170K and he is making big bonuses. This fucking fool is blabing and I'm listening say damn this guy is an asshole. These idiots are always dumb and lazy.