Win-Win Advice


Just started training in a sales roll pay 300+ at plan with a mid-size device company. Two days after going to training I receive a management offer from a startup that I am very interested in with the same pay. Is there a good way to accept the second job or should I just stick to my first commitment. Over 20 years in the industry and never had to make a choice like this.


Just started training in a sales roll pay 300+ at plan with a mid-size device company. Two days after going to training I receive a management offer from a startup that I am very interested in with the same pay. Is there a good way to accept the second job or should I just stick to my first commitment. Over 20 years in the industry and never had to make a choice like this.

I had a similar scenario and left for the second job. It was an awkward conversation with the hiring manager at the first job but the second scenario was better for me/my family.

Do what is best for you/your family.