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Will Yuji Matsue and Shaji Procida end OB's shameful tenure?


All eyes are now on Yuji and Shaji to finally clean house and get rid of this cancer that we call OB in Eisai. OB needs to go. We need a new and bold leadership here.


As our new COO, Mr. Procida has to look out the sales force and the way it is failing because of OB. Everything OB touched here became a disaster. OB needs to go. The only reason he lasted so far was the unconditional support of LC who "retired". OB is not a bad person; he is just an incompetent and ineffective leader. He has no vision and no motivational skills. He has been here for too long and we need a new and more effective leadership team. OB has lost the respect of the sale force long time ago and there is no way to rebuild the trust.

Why Eisai is kept hostage by OB? Why is OB still here? How many more failed launches do we need to have here before someone realized that OB is the problem? How many sales forces do we need to destroy before someone notices that OB is the problem? Who else messed up PC if it was not OB? Who destroyed Oncology? Who else failed to devise a staff planning that would count for the patent expiration of our drugs if it was not OB? Who else devised the most restrict and stupid micromanagement plan in Eisai if it was not OB? Under whose direction the quotas were set so unfairly to punish those who were not ass-kissers of OB?

All eyes are now on Yuji and Shaji to finally clean house and get rid of this cancer that we call OB in Eisai. OB needs to go. We need a new and bold leadership here.
If the next leadership wants to be bold, and set a new course for this organization, it will all start with the end of OB.
If they can do that- motivation will soar, people by just knowing that this person who holds no one sacred, is gone will increase morale and motivation

If the next leadership wants to be bold, and set a new course for this organization, it will all start with the end of OB.
If they can do that- motivation will soar, people by just knowing that this person who holds no one sacred, is gone will increase morale and motivation

OB's reign of terror needs to end. It should have ended years ago.

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