Will you work your ass off?


Can someone reply who can give me the idea of call requirements and avg hrs worked per week for CSR position and then also for the "working" CSR Manager position. Is working at
Intuitive like working in the Ortho/Trauma or Pacemaker industry with call 24/7 and basically no life for the first several years?


This post is by "robo1" from another thread. Still interested?

"Most if not all of the rumors you hear about ISI are true. ISI has worked very hard to earn the reputation that it deserves. It has always been challenging place to work, but over the last 2+ years it has become miserable. I was a CSR for over 5 (which made me a fossil) years and the ride had to come to an end before all the things that are truly important in my life were damaged beyond repair. In my 5 years I had 8 different CSM's, all of which were demoted, fired or quit. Obviously making the choice for me to go into management there an easy one. If you choose to not express that you would like to be a manager, start the stopwatch. CSM's are directly evaluated on the number of people under them they "develop" and promote. Ultimately making you now, useless to that CSM. Every new CSM wants a team full of people willing to sacrifice everything to move up a level. Which does wonders for your relationships in your accounts? You are not the first rep they've seen nor will you be their last. Your job will be used as leverage the moment you start trending below your quota whether you achieve quota or not. Three day ride alongs that begin at 6am and end well after 6pm are routine and will all claim they are not micromanagers. I can best describe the ride along as a three day interrogation in which the terms, "belief system", "Un-coachable", and my personal favorite, "professional maturity" will be used describe why you are not succeeding by Intuitive's standards. All these terms were used to describe reps of the year for those who think it was just me. This ride along will ultimately be followed up with a field ride report letter that your CSD and AVP are copied in on and it is filled with paragraph after paragraph of negative criticism on how you run your territory, or whatever your CSM feels will make them look like they are desperately trying to save your career and make you a better CSR... even if they have never done your job. If you are able to meet or exceed your increasingly unrealistic quota, you will receive no sincere thank you from anyone. You will, however, be rewarded with a 20-30% increase in your next quota and the thankless process will start all over again. This pressure forces everyone to sandbag cases to make sure that they do not go over quota by too much and it also forces cases to be made up just to make quota. Simple as that. That is how you survive. The only one who truly cares about your survival is you. While there are extremely talented sales professionals within Intuitive, the majority are never there long. They are replaced by people who are only out to climb the corporate ladder as quickly as possible. People that follow orders without question from someone one level higher no matter how ridiculous and blatantly useless the request is. So to all of you who are looking to get in, take it from someone who survived longer than most, it isn't worth it. I promise. Anyone with more than 4 years experience at ISI who feels different, I would love to hear from you!! To my fellow CSR's who are still going to bed each night with a pit in their stomachs, wondering how they are supposed to train 3 GYN's per quarter when the only GYN's left in your territory you wouldn't let touch you with a Qtip let alone a knife, there is life outside of ISI! It is sweet I assure you. So let ISI implode on its own, get out while you still have a spouse that loves you, kids that know you and a soul you haven't sold.

Wow that felt good!"

I swear I've read this post like 3 times on the Intuitive site. It makes you wonder if you have a vendeta going on here and I question your impartial view...which seems biased. Maybe you
are right... or maybe you are a pissed off former employee...but I'd like to hear from some other employees too. I think if you come from pharma or a "cake" med device type job you won't be able to hang in at INtuitive but if you come from the halls of Ortho/Spine, Pacemakers, Heart Valves and the like you can hang with the best of em!

I swear I've read this post like 3 times on the Intuitive site. It makes you wonder if you have a vendeta going on here and I question your impartial view...which seems biased. Maybe you
are right... or maybe you are a pissed off former employee...but I'd like to hear from some other employees too. I think if you come from pharma or a "cake" med device type job you won't be able to hang in at INtuitive but if you come from the halls of Ortho/Spine, Pacemakers, Heart Valves and the like you can hang with the best of em!

"Halls?" what a joke. Pace makers, disposables, spine pukes, are all a dime a dozen. Any hack with some Enterprise management and 2 years of Pharma can nail those jobs. Obviously the poster is stuck in 2005. Sorry for the wake up call douche bag. For what it's worth, here's a piece of free advice - physicians are as burned out and disgusted with Spine guy as they are with Pharma guy. Get it? I'm really sorry you didn't cut it as a pre-med student and now your delusions of grandeur are wasted on sucking physician cock, updating your facebook page with pictures of yourself in the OR pretending to be a surgeon but HEY!....to each their own. Now get fist pumpin fruityboots.

"Halls?" what a joke. Pace makers, disposables, spine pukes, are all a dime a dozen. Any hack with some Enterprise management and 2 years of Pharma can nail those jobs. Obviously the poster is stuck in 2005. Sorry for the wake up call douche bag. For what it's worth, here's a piece of free advice - physicians are as burned out and disgusted with Spine guy as they are with Pharma guy. Get it? I'm really sorry you didn't cut it as a pre-med student and now your delusions of grandeur are wasted on sucking physician cock, updating your facebook page with pictures of yourself in the OR pretending to be a surgeon but HEY!....to each their own. Now get fist pumpin fruityboots.

ha! your a joke! you obviously are not on the up & up. "anyone" w/ 2 yrs Enterprise & Pharma can nail these jobs? you haven't got a clue buddy. I see pharma and B2B reps fall flat on their face in this biz. These are difficult and technical arenas we work in, especially pacemakers, spine, CV. Not saying it can't be done coming from those backgrounds but the majority cant hack it. Let's face it, your trying to keep everyone in the O.R one step ahead of the surgeon for 3+ hour cases NOT dropping off samples to get a signature.

burned out? the doc lets the pharma rep in the door because its a free lunch and she may be a hottie, a doc lets me in the door because i'm giving him the equipment he wants for his patients and because i'm reliable and keep the case moving. The doc's i deal with are great people and we have great relationships. Maybe YOU have the doc's running down the hallway to get away from you but those of us that have been around long enough KNOW the surgeons and their families and have great friendships and respect for one another.

i love how everyone who can't hack it in this industry thinks that those of us that have all think we want to be surgeons, it's comical... i love my job and have never wanted be a surgeon...student loans are a bitch...

I have read the robo1 response a ton of times too, but the reality is that I worked with ISI for almost 4 years and the company definately changed for the worse in this time. They used to be about "being a barbarian" and selling your ass off and creating markets and disrupting existing markets for surgery. They morphed into a super micro-managed enviroment in which the CSM is just a task master. they beat you down every day and question every conversation, every interaction, and give you false praise when you achieve your goals. Every person here is extremely guarded and fake and full of shit. They have run their course of really qualified reps and are now hiring pharma reps or low level biotech reps that would kill to get into devices and will put up with the 12 hour days, weekend requirements, nighttime patient education events, and two sales meetings a year in which they work you 12-14 hours and beat you like a dog the whole time. so much for getting your breath at a sales meeting and building relationships with your co-workers. I was at a sales meeting with a 6am start (not breakfast) and our day did not end until 9pm. What a f'in joke. I am all for making a better living and working hard, but seriousley ask the person you interview with what their burn rate is with reps. The upper management blatenly lies on a regular occassion to cover their ass, and will get all the karma that they have reaped. they are glorified car salesman with silver tongues with no integrity, no morals and no ethics. just as long as they get paid. good luck.

I currently work with Intuitive and 80% of what you read about intuitive running their reps into the ground is true. When I interviewed, every interviewer talked about the book "Barbarians to Beurocrats" and how Intuitive has maintained that Barbarian attitude. When I attended my first two WWS meetings, Jim would even talk about it at the podium. The basis being that all companies go through a life cycle, starting as barbarians, quick to move and change direction while focusing on the goal at hand. As the life cycle continues, the company will eventually end up as Beurocrats. Meaning all direction comes from the top in their ivory towers setting direction. As of the last two WWS meetings, this book is not talked about at all. Why? Because it's all about the Beurocracy now. Managers don't set CSR quotas or event their territories, it all comes from the Area VP! Which many of have never carried a CSR bag and a few never set foot in an OR or actually sold anything besides scripts at their former pharma gig.
Intuitive runs through their reps slash and burn style. They treat their employees like the company treats their clients. You either do it the Intuitive way or leave.
The best advice I can give someone that is looking to join the Intuitive team... don't mention you build relationships. That is a BIG no no. Intuitive doesn't build relationships, they build robotic programs. What does that mean? It means you're replaceable and if you leave or get fired not only are there 20 people salivating to get your job, Intuitive believes any CSR can step into any territory and pick up right where the last 3 reps left off.

I swear I've read this post like 3 times on the Intuitive site. It makes you wonder if you have a vendeta going on here and I question your impartial view...which seems biased. Maybe you
are right... or maybe you are a pissed off former employee...but I'd like to hear from some other employees too. I think if you come from pharma or a "cake" med device type job you won't be able to hang in at INtuitive but if you come from the halls of Ortho/Spine, Pacemakers, Heart Valves and the like you can hang with the best of em!

Give me a f++= break. Pacemaker reps. don't do shit but sit in a cath lab eating all of the shit other reps bring, & chum up to a few cardiologists to get thier business. I've known them and seen them firsthand in the cath labs. Ortho/Spine reps. don't stick around long enough in some companies because they can't hack it (I've seen that too), and I know of a pharma rep. at INtuitive who has done quite well, but admits that you have to move up to higher levels or you won't be able to hit quotas long term. Basically, its a heartless company where in order to survive a rep. has to constantly move up levels. Well, that can only last so long. Probably hard to find veteran reps. in this gig.

ha! your a joke! you obviously are not on the up & up. "anyone" w/ 2 yrs Enterprise & Pharma can nail these jobs? you haven't got a clue buddy. I see pharma and B2B reps fall flat on their face in this biz. These are difficult and technical arenas we work in, especially pacemakers, spine, CV. Not saying it can't be done coming from those backgrounds but the majority cant hack it. Let's face it, your trying to keep everyone in the O.R one step ahead of the surgeon for 3+ hour cases NOT dropping off samples to get a signature.

burned out? the doc lets the pharma rep in the door because its a free lunch and she may be a hottie, a doc lets me in the door because i'm giving him the equipment he wants for his patients and because i'm reliable and keep the case moving. The doc's i deal with are great people and we have great relationships. Maybe YOU have the doc's running down the hallway to get away from you but those of us that have been around long enough KNOW the surgeons and their families and have great friendships and respect for one another.

i love how everyone who can't hack it in this industry thinks that those of us that have all think we want to be surgeons, it's comical... i love my job and have never wanted be a surgeon...student loans are a bitch...

You forgot to mention one group of brainless turds who seem to land in this arena.....the pretty boy athletes with a degree in general studies. I'm sure this background makes them suitable for such a highly technical bla bla bla----bullshit. There are alot of institutional pharma reps. that have the intelligence to discuss pharmacology, microbiology, and give some of you device reps. info. on how to access some of the physicians impt. to your business. A pharma rep. who calls on multiple specialties in hospital knows how to access everyone, and who the backdoor decision makers are. We call on c-suite, dept. heads, and are not just pretty/brainless/with b__t___. Ya'll don't know shit past the few doctors you con in using your product. Give the big ego a rest prettyboy. BTW, what is so fucking technical about a pacemaker, couple of electrical currents from a battery stimulating the heart to function properly. Maybe you think that is technical.

Dude...sorry we didn't hire you in the CRM (pacemaker) industry

Oh I know why...you are an idiot and in an anger mgmt program (or should be)

pharma reps are calling me daily for a CRM job moron!

Regarldess Intuitive does suck!

Well, thanks for the information. I will kindly tell the ISI peeps.. see ya, I was considering making a jump but after reading that shit. No fucking thanks!!

peace bitches, oh on my way for a 5 mile run this morning.

I have read the robo1 response a ton of times too, but the reality is that I worked with ISI for almost 4 years and the company definately changed for the worse in this time. They used to be about "being a barbarian" and selling your ass off and creating markets and disrupting existing markets for surgery. They morphed into a super micro-managed enviroment in which the CSM is just a task master. they beat you down every day and question every conversation, every interaction, and give you false praise when you achieve your goals. Every person here is extremely guarded and fake and full of shit. They have run their course of really qualified reps and are now hiring pharma reps or low level biotech reps that would kill to get into devices and will put up with the 12 hour days, weekend requirements, nighttime patient education events, and two sales meetings a year in which they work you 12-14 hours and beat you like a dog the whole time. so much for getting your breath at a sales meeting and building relationships with your co-workers. I was at a sales meeting with a 6am start (not breakfast) and our day did not end until 9pm. What a f'in joke. I am all for making a better living and working hard, but seriousley ask the person you interview with what their burn rate is with reps. The upper management blatenly lies on a regular occassion to cover their ass, and will get all the karma that they have reaped. they are glorified car salesman with silver tongues with no integrity, no morals and no ethics. just as long as they get paid. good luck.

There is truth in your post. Also, Intuitive has changed and not for the better, but the culture has always been bad. Many of the reps we now have would never have been hired years ago, it seems that we just keep hiring, has the standard been lowered?

There is truth in your post. Also, Intuitive has changed and not for the better, but the culture has always been bad. Many of the reps we now have would never have been hired years ago, it seems that we just keep hiring, has the standard been lowered?

I have a recruiter who is trying to sell me on interviewing for a job with this company. Two things strike me here. There is so much negativity printed about this company and I have to believe with this much bad press and so little positive anything, the company must suck. I don't understand why a company would think that it would be beneficial to treat their people like garbage..so stupid and counterproductive ultimately leading to their own demise. The other thing that I am wondering is why so much focus is on the negativity. We are in sales which means we bascally worship the almighty dollar more than anything else. I don't see any dollar figures being thrown around on these posts and not one person has discussed how mcuh they made.

As long as the leadership delivers profits to the board, who cares how you treat people, the reps are ultimately all replaceable. What most don't understand is that the leadership of this company is completely fine with this model.

I have a recruiter who is trying to sell me on interviewing for a job with this company. Two things strike me here. There is so much negativity printed about this company and I have to believe with this much bad press and so little positive anything, the company must suck. I don't understand why a company would think that it would be beneficial to treat their people like garbage..so stupid and counterproductive ultimately leading to their own demise. The other thing that I am wondering is why so much focus is on the negativity. We are in sales which means we bascally worship the almighty dollar more than anything else. I don't see any dollar figures being thrown around on these posts and not one person has discussed how mcuh they made.

Why don't you interview and make a decision on your own. I can only speak for my team here. Most of us have been here for multiple years. The job is fun, fast pace, and extremely rewarding but you will work. It cracks me up that every bitter past employee and interview candidate comes here to say how horrible it is. This is the only company I know of that isn't afraid to fire employees that aren't working and not hire candidates that come off as full of themselves.

I have had the best experience with intuitive and I honestly think you are a fool if you trust all the crap written here.

Thank you for your reply, you are restoring some confidence in this company. Question. How interactive are you during the case with the surgeon and the staff? I would think that it would be really boring if the job entailed that you only stay in the room and watch a surgeon doing surgery for hours on end.

Thank you for your reply, you are restoring some confidence in this company. Question. How interactive are you during the case with the surgeon and the staff? I would think that it would be really boring if the job entailed that you only stay in the room and watch a surgeon doing surgery for hours on end.

But what if you have ideas to drive the business that management does not agree with? Are there a lot of micromanagers?

Why don't you interview and make a decision on your own. I can only speak for my team here. Most of us have been here for multiple years. The job is fun, fast pace, and extremely rewarding but you will work. It cracks me up that every bitter past employee and interview candidate comes here to say how horrible it is. This is the only company I know of that isn't afraid to fire employees that aren't working and not hire candidates that come off as full of themselves.

I have had the best experience with intuitive and I honestly think you are a fool if you trust all the crap written here.

what do you mean by multiple years? is that like 2, or 3? don't pat yourself on the back just yet...