I have read the robo1 response a ton of times too, but the reality is that I worked with ISI for almost 4 years and the company definately changed for the worse in this time. They used to be about "being a barbarian" and selling your ass off and creating markets and disrupting existing markets for surgery. They morphed into a super micro-managed enviroment in which the CSM is just a task master. they beat you down every day and question every conversation, every interaction, and give you false praise when you achieve your goals. Every person here is extremely guarded and fake and full of shit. They have run their course of really qualified reps and are now hiring pharma reps or low level biotech reps that would kill to get into devices and will put up with the 12 hour days, weekend requirements, nighttime patient education events, and two sales meetings a year in which they work you 12-14 hours and beat you like a dog the whole time. so much for getting your breath at a sales meeting and building relationships with your co-workers. I was at a sales meeting with a 6am start (not breakfast) and our day did not end until 9pm. What a f'in joke. I am all for making a better living and working hard, but seriousley ask the person you interview with what their burn rate is with reps. The upper management blatenly lies on a regular occassion to cover their ass, and will get all the karma that they have reaped. they are glorified car salesman with silver tongues with no integrity, no morals and no ethics. just as long as they get paid. good luck.