Will you remember where you were?


I would like to think it is a positive sign that the expansion is happening, but was the west regional director kidding me? No one will forget where they were and what they were doing?!?! It is not like dey announced they discovered the cure for cancer. Did anyone else think she sounded like a complete moron?

Over the top? Yes, but she is a plus for this company and for her region. If you were in the west region, you would not have made your post. She is lied and respected.

I swear, the people who work here are the dumbest in the industry. Its not what pharma has become...its what this place has become - moronic. As a recruiter, I must say we find you people as entertaining as the Kardashians!

I swear, the people who work here are the dumbest in the industry. Its not what pharma has become...its what this place has become - moronic. As a recruiter, I must say we find you people as entertaining as the Kardashians!

I cry B.S. on you! The posts sound the same on EVERY company on Cafe Pharma. Only the dissatisfied, disaffected, disillusioned and dysfunctional spend the time to post regularly. If you are a recruiter, then you know the story is basically the same everywhere! Doesn't make the situation here any better, but you comment is BS! Besides, shouldn't a recruiter be happy about an expansion anywhere?

I cry B.S. on you! The posts sound the same on EVERY company on Cafe Pharma. Only the dissatisfied, disaffected, disillusioned and dysfunctional spend the time to post regularly. If you are a recruiter, then you know the story is basically the same everywhere! Doesn't make the situation here any better, but you comment is BS! Besides, shouldn't a recruiter be happy about an expansion anywhere?

Proves my point moron: you posted (but you comment is BS)...it's, "...but your comment is BS!." We all agree here, that you and your fellow morons are the dumbest in the industry. What a joke.

I cry B.S. on you! The posts sound the same on EVERY company on Cafe Pharma. Only the dissatisfied, disaffected, disillusioned and dysfunctional spend the time to post regularly. If you are a recruiter, then you know the story is basically the same everywhere! Doesn't make the situation here any better, but you comment is BS! Besides, shouldn't a recruiter be happy about an expansion anywhere?

As a recruiter, we know that this industry has gone down in recent times. However, even with companies going down, and layoffs, and mergers, there is still a "hierarchy" with regard to all pharma organizations. Unfortunately, this company ranks among the bottom- feeders of this industry. The difficulty remains being able to discuss positive up- sides with any quality potential hires. It can be a "moral quandry" for many recruiters, as they try to "sell" this company to quality potential hires. The recruiting industry is aware of reasons why employee discontent is prevelent here.

And so, the issue is > Why are you/they here in the first place. For me, that is the question asked. In trying to justify my decision I am left with: "Now that was stupid"

As a result I am viewed as inept and willing to take whatever...I'm goint to have to take a more challenging approach. I am interviewing for a position with Century cinemea as a door/ticket representative - I am close and think I will get it! See you at the movies!

I agree with my fellow recruiters. Our message to you: Please don't call us as you challenge our integrity. Perhaps the is hope for you in another life or at the movies - go for the refill bag of popcorn - you got plenty of time on your hands! Ha!

As a recruiter I enjoy the search per company expansions - problem is as a Firm we have our future to think about and quality placements with quality candidates. Do you know the difference between the two? Ah, maybe now you get the picture dorf.

One of my previous recruiters in-messaged me. He informed me he didn't have anything I would be interested in and then suggested I "reconsider" my profile and end it with my previous employment history. :(

And so, the issue is > Why are you/they here in the first place. For me, that is the question asked. In trying to justify my decision I am left with: "Now that was stupid"

As a result I am viewed as inept and willing to take whatever...I'm goint to have to take a more challenging approach. I am interviewing for a position with Century cinemea as a door/ticket representative - I am close and think I will get it! See you at the movies!

Century Cinemas has a solid reputation. Remember, no cell phones, warn moviegoers about crying babies, and sweep up as soon as the show ends! Yes, I think you will do fine!

Proves my point moron: you posted (but you comment is BS)...it's, "...but your comment is BS!." We all agree here, that you and your fellow morons are the dumbest in the industry. What a joke.

Seriously, that's the best comeback you have to an intelligent, on point comment? You go after a typo and call me a moron? Give me a break

Century Cinemas has a solid reputation. Remember, no cell phones, warn moviegoers about crying babies, and sweep up as soon as the show ends! Yes, I think you will do fine!

I took this job with Dey only because of the "recession". There is no way in he,ll in a better economy, I would have even looked twice at this second hand place. It appears things are starting to pick up so won't be here long.....thank goodness!

These posts are rather funny as recruiters try to trash talk with people who have spent a bit of time complaining. There's a saying, "Never argue with a fool in public lest the public not be able to tell the difference." As a former recruiter, now in the pharma industry, I can frankly say that recruiters are the biggest flock of whiners wth drug reps as a close second on the prima donna level. Get your butts to work and be quiet.