Will they call current job for background check?


I was laid off less than 2 weeks ago, but placed on my resume I am still with the company since I'm still receiving severance.

Would they find this out when doing the background check? In my last position, I requested for them to not contact my current employer bc I did not want my current employer to suspect I was looking elsewhere.

Will they call my most recent employer and check if I am still with the company?


I was laid off less than 2 weeks ago, but placed on my resume I am still with the company since I'm still receiving severance.

Would they find this out when doing the background check? In my last position, I requested for them to not contact my current employer bc I did not want my current employer to suspect I was looking elsewhere.

Will they call my most recent employer and check if I am still with the company?

The only thing they can get is dates of employment. You can call the benefits center yourself, follow the prompts and you'll see what would be reported.

Good luck with the new gig!

I was laid off less than 2 weeks ago, but placed on my resume I am still with the company since I'm still receiving severance.

Would they find this out when doing the background check? In my last position, I requested for them to not contact my current employer bc I did not want my current employer to suspect I was looking elsewhere.

Will they call my most recent employer and check if I am still with the company?

Are you still salaried? You cannot be denied your severance if you sent in the separation paperwork.

The only thing they can get is dates of employment. You can call the benefits center yourself, follow the prompts and you'll see what would be reported.

Good luck with the new gig!

Use the HR work key number. You provide this key to new employers, mortgage companies and the like. You give them a pin and the phone number. They call and can get your salary and confirm you are still employed at Merck without talking to a live person. This work key number is well recognized across industries. You can find info on this buried somewhere under HR-employment verification. Now go get that job! You are lucky to get out of this garbage can. Best of luck my friend.

The website for employment verification is www.vjsus.com

If you call Benefits (1-866-MRK-HR4U) and navigate the menu as 3 (former employee), 2 (employment verification) it transfers you, gives you that website then asks 1 for English. If you press 1 you hear Good Bye!

FU Merck!!!!

I seem to remember a caller back in 2011 on the weekly dial-in teleconference for laid-off employees who said that he had to get Merck to officially tell a prospective employer that he was no longer employed at Merck. The caller had gotten a new job quickly within the 60-day WARN period and he was still on the books at Merck as an employee. His new company wouldn't hire him without Merck dropping him. I think the guy got it figured out in his favor - Merck assured the other company that he was no longer an employee although technically he still was in the WARN period and on the books, and the guy didn't lose his severance. Take this FWIW - my memory might be faulty and I can only go by what the guy claimed over the phone.

I seem to remember a caller back in 2011 on the weekly dial-in teleconference for laid-off employees who said that he had to get Merck to officially tell a prospective employer that he was no longer employed at Merck. The caller had gotten a new job quickly within the 60-day WARN period and he was still on the books at Merck as an employee. His new company wouldn't hire him without Merck dropping him. I think the guy got it figured out in his favor - Merck assured the other company that he was no longer an employee although technically he still was in the WARN period and on the books, and the guy didn't lose his severance. Take this FWIW - my memory might be faulty and I can only go by what the guy claimed over the phone.

According to the DOL website, taking a job within the WARN could be seen as you quitting your job and thus you would lose severance and subsidized benefits. We had labor lawyers look this over paperwork--yes, we are in about the same boat. Wanted us to start within the WARN period but backed off when we provided documentation. We had a lot to lose. Perhaps if you don't go for it. But be on guard that Merck, especially this Merck, could sue to get your severance back.

Go to the Frequently Asked Questions on the website on the Department of Labor under the WARN act. Good luck. Personally, we're giving WARN plus 7 days before giving a start date.

I was laid off less than 2 weeks ago, but placed on my resume I am still with the company since I'm still receiving severance.

Would they find this out when doing the background check? In my last position, I requested for them to not contact my current employer bc I did not want my current employer to suspect I was looking elsewhere.

Will they call my most recent employer and check if I am still with the company?

Interesting... the same original message, word for word, was posted on the GSK board yesterday.

Background check is pretty common, driving, criminal, credit, work, etc...getting severance = severed = you're no longer an employee... just update the resume...any future potential interview need to know about severance - No, too much info supplied by you can be a negative.....Performance at last job??? another HR legal hairball question...bottom line company response..You'd be available for rehire, No, that former employee would not be considered for rehire (this is a GO - NO GO simple reply that says it all).., Good Luck!

An easy way to address the issue is get a couple reference letters from solid internal references. Most prospective employers are reasonable, unless you committed a major fired for cause infraction, you will be a viable candidate for another company. Don't sweat this out, polish the résumé and get back in the fight. 75% if the working world has been layed off, it actually helps your chances if finding a new job if you are decent at what you do which, 98% if Merck employees are. (Excluding the exec board of course). The company uses a website to verify employment, it is in the severance pack. You can get access to the site to check info to calm your nerves by contacting the firm and faxing your info to get a password.
Go get em tiger!!!

Thanks for all the responses everyone. I went ahead and updated my resume and placed the month and year I was laid off. It was very recent. But it's really not worth lying for something so small. I'm thinking about enrolling in a MBA program next month PT/evening courses. I have no kids, not married but I cannot imagine being laid off if I had a family like a couple of other folks I know. I'm holding up pretty well, have had phone interviews have ample savings with a bit of severence then hopefully not have to get unemployment once severence ends.

Reason I'm thinking of getting an MBA is to maybe pursue something in biotech/pharma aside from a specialty sales rep. Maybe a product brand manager, marketing brand leader etc or a division where turnover isn't as high as a rep or DM. You would think the reps are the last to get laid off since we're the ones bringing in the money.

Anybody else have an MBA or know anyone with one.. How does that work out in pharma?