Will the keep Reps over 50-55 in this layoff? Thoughts?


Will any older reps be placed? I know they must protect themselves from lawsuits, but we are more tenured, more expensive, etc.....

No one makes it past 60 years of age... look around and count those over 60. All that has to happen is to reorganize the territory and your Job has been eliminated. Fact of life for pharmaceutical sales.

Will any older reps be placed? I know they must protect themselves from lawsuits, but we are more tenured, more expensive, etc.....

Don't know the answer but do know other companies won't hire reps over age 50. That is a major red flag, being a lifer pc or hosp rep gets your resume in the garbage can. Companies are hiring reps in their 20's with post grad degrees for 60 grand per year. As for managers, no chance in hell they will find another manager gig. With constant pharma downsizing there are thousands of has been managers. Easy to spot, most can be found lounging in Starbucks during the day trying to figure out what to do. They've burned so many employees over the years they cannot get hired anywhere. If you get separated be sure to ask Merck for the free job assistance agency. I heard this is pretty good, it is an outside company that helps with job placement. It will be buried in your separation papers and many overlook this. DON'T waste your time randomly applying for online jobs, rarely works. You will get through this but act quickly, be realistic and relentless.

Don't know the answer but do know other companies won't hire reps over age 50. That is a major red flag, being a lifer pc or hosp rep gets your resume in the garbage can. Companies are hiring reps in their 20's with post grad degrees for 60 grand per year. As for managers, no chance in hell they will find another manager gig. With constant pharma downsizing there are thousands of has been managers. Easy to spot, most can be found lounging in Starbucks during the day trying to figure out what to do. They've burned so many employees over the years they cannot get hired anywhere. If you get separated be sure to ask Merck for the free job assistance agency. I heard this is pretty good, it is an outside company that helps with job placement. It will be buried in your separation papers and many overlook this. DON'T waste your time randomly applying for online jobs, rarely works. You will get through this but act quickly, be realistic and relentless.

Manager thought they have been so smart and powerful when they treated their emplyees w/ childish power play behaviors but they will get their payback when they get cut. They will no long be important and companies will not want them they will have it the hardest.

Don't know the answer but do know other companies won't hire reps over age 50. That is a major red flag, being a lifer pc or hosp rep gets your resume in the garbage can. Companies are hiring reps in their 20's with post grad degrees for 60 grand per year. As for managers, no chance in hell they will find another manager gig. With constant pharma downsizing there are thousands of has been managers. Easy to spot, most can be found lounging in Starbucks during the day trying to figure out what to do. They've burned so many employees over the years they cannot get hired anywhere. If you get separated be sure to ask Merck for the free job assistance agency. I heard this is pretty good, it is an outside company that helps with job placement. It will be buried in your separation papers and many overlook this. DON'T waste your time randomly applying for online jobs, rarely works. You will get through this but act quickly, be realistic and relentless.

Most pharmas won't hire anyone over 50 because that 50 yo knows more about the business than the CEO.

Merck just makes sure no protected class is adversely impacted greater than any other.
Make no mistake this is a cost cutting exercise so if you are a highly compensated representative they would love to get rid of you. It's a numbers game and has nothing to do with anything else.

50 and over? You can join R&D. They only accept end of career Merck lifers who will keep their mouths shut, attend seminars/free lunch events, smile big and act busy when high ups tour laboratories. We call this demographic “Layoff HandiCapable”, as they only need a small push to quit without package. It’s a win-win situation while R&D waits for licensed drugs to fill pipeline, you can fill long vacant laboratories where real scientists once roamed.

Well research cannot take everyone. Let's be realistic. The industry has greatly changed. I am retired awhile and had a long career until mid 60's not as today. Glad I am at an age not be be taxed on healthcare as income. House is paid off so no need for a mortgage deduction. Also moved to a low red state cost of living much cheaper than NY,NJ, CA etc. Life is stress less and good. Just glad I am out of this industry; I was very lucky.

Don't know the answer but do know other companies won't hire reps over age 50. That is a major red flag, being a lifer pc or hosp rep gets your resume in the garbage can. Companies are hiring reps in their 20's with post grad degrees for 60 grand per year. As for managers, no chance in hell they will find another manager gig. With constant pharma downsizing there are thousands of has been managers. Easy to spot, most can be found lounging in Starbucks during the day trying to figure out what to do. They've burned so many employees over the years they cannot get hired anywhere. If you get separated be sure to ask Merck for the free job assistance agency. I heard this is pretty good, it is an outside company that helps with job placement. It will be buried in your separation papers and many overlook this. DON'T waste your time randomly applying for online jobs, rarely works. You will get through this but act quickly, be realistic and relentless.

Silly! You are wrong! I am over 50 and get calls all the time about coming over. You know nothing about being 50. 50 is the new 30!