Will the IPO succeed?

Did you see the amount of debt they issued to pay WP dividend? $700 million!!! That's crazy. No IPO is going to happen. Usually companies clean up their balance sheet before going public not add close to a billion of new debt. This is just a cover. They will be sold eventually.

Did you see the amount of debt they issued to pay WP dividend? $700 million!!! That's crazy. No IPO is going to happen. Usually companies clean up their balance sheet before going public not add close to a billion of new debt. This is just a cover. They will be sold eventually.

The filing also shows that the company actually loses money every year. The work force should have been trimmed years ago so that company could make a profit. Why would someone buy stock in a old company that can not make money?

The debt isn't going to stay in place following the IPO. The capital generated in the IPO will be used to paydown all, if not most, of the debt. New debt will be issued (much small principal) by the newly public company and life will go on.

This is what happens when you are taken private by a company like WP. They load you with debt and you take the losses year after year to save them money (operating loss means no income which means no taxes) then they sell you (or IPO) and count their money.