Will Quest Lower our Quotas ?


We have all heard about in January Medicare lowering our reimbursement. Our Stock Price continues to drop. With Obama Care getting ready to kick in. It only makes sense for the company to lower our Quotas.

Any thoughts???

I worked for Quest in the past, still would be there if they could have ever gotten their act together. There is life after Quest and let me make it clear to you dumbass, it's a lot better life then yours.

You got your butt kicked to the curve for not performing and you blame Quest for that. We are so very happy for you that your life is so great but why the need to come back on the Quest board and post crap. Guess your life must not be all that great. Now fininsh your dinner so your mommy will give you some cookies and milk before you have to go to bed.

Loser, huh? Has your base salary increased 40%, variable comp increased 35% and workload decreased by about a third like mine? You, pal, are the loser.

A loser is a guy that says he has a great life and a great job but has to post on his old companies board to tell us all about it. BTW, I made a good deal more in bonus than my base and my base is very good. That's what happens when you work hard and are paid for performance. You son sound like a job hopper. We will be waiting to hear once again about your great life and job now that you left Quest.

A loser is a guy that says he has a great life and a great job but has to post on his old companies board to tell us all about it. BTW, I made a good deal more in bonus than my base and my base is very good. That's what happens when you work hard and are paid for performance. You son sound like a job hopper. We will be waiting to hear once again about your great life and job now that you left Quest.

Yawn...get your head our of your ass.