Will Publicis be merged with Novartis at upcoming National Meeting?

I don’t know when you people will understand, we will NEVER be rolled into Novartis. NEVER, EVER, EVER. Be happy to be on the contract or look elsewhere, that ain’t happening.

Agree. For 18 months the RMs have been telling the "sheep" behave and they will roll you in. Never going to happen. Why would they, PDI is 30-40% less expensive and do the same work and NVS gets to treat PDI badly to boot and PDI let's them. PDI Reps are the Donkeys. So glad I left months ago, it's refreshing to come here and see the same complaints over and over sure does reinforce a good decision.

I agree, a rollover isn't going to happen. And after seeing the new target lists, I'm hoping we still have a job Feb 1. With HAS, CV1 and CV2 calling on "accounts", there aren't many viable targets left.

Got word that Publicis Reps no longer have to be responsible for setting up med Ed programs in some areas of country or possibly nationally..
Some areas of country not filling vacancies. I think writing on the wall for some areas of country come Feb1st. What doesn’t make sense, we all are headed to Nat Meeting so hard to fiqure out the disconnect.

Got word that Publicis Reps no longer have to be responsible for setting up med Ed programs in some areas of country or possibly nationally..
Some areas of country not filling vacancies. I think writing on the wall for some areas of country come Feb1st. What doesn’t make sense, we all are headed to Nat Meeting so hard to fiqure out the disconnect.

If it’s not Feb 1st, it’s coming soon. Prepare yourself now and start looking elsewhere.

Publisis business managers have been very careful as to changes with Entresto contract.
The answers I hear from my business manager are more as if something will happen in near
Future, Tick Tock!

Agree. For 18 months the RMs have been telling the "sheep" behave and they will roll you in. Never going to happen. Why would they, PDI is 30-40% less expensive and do the same work and NVS gets to treat PDI badly to boot and PDI let's them. PDI Reps are the Donkeys. So glad I left months ago, it's refreshing to come here and see the same complaints over and over sure does reinforce a good decision.

Who is the donkey? You left PDI? Maybe you have not been informed but PDI is Publicis. There is no emoji for stupid and uninformed.