Will miss JM.

The person saying that about Jim don't know him, and are disgruntled employees that got the ax due to their lack of performance. If they are still at Gilead...do us all a favor and leave.

“Retirement “ sure whatever you want to call it. It’s about time they got rid of his ass not strategic at all. If he is so great I can’t wait to see which pharma companies are lining to scoop him up. I hope he takes his deadbeat VPs with him

The person saying that about Jim don't know him, and are disgruntled employees that got the ax due to their lack of performance. If they are still at Gilead...do us all a favor and leave.
Typical HR redirect post. To the person that does this crap in FC-- use some imagination. Gilead uses the word "performance" or an employee's lack thereof as a shield to justify a now 15 year slide in our culture. Damn, sure do enjoy being treated like a primary care drone. (I must be an underachiever)
As far as JM leaving. Mixed emotions. Good presenter. Outward appearance of stability and communicator of all things positive for Gilead. Great leader? Maybe. Survivor is probably more appropriate. He survived the KY era where his style probably wasnt a perfect match.
I get it. A company has to evolve as it grows. But he was here and was a part of changing Gilead into something I cannot wait to leave

what is it that you are looking for that your not getting at Gilead? Not being judgmental. Just curious. Gilead has been so great to so many of us. Pays well and most field managers block the BS that comes from above. What is it you expect somewhere else that you don’t get here?

what is it that you are looking for that your not getting at Gilead? Not being judgmental. Just curious. Gilead has been so great to so many of us. Pays well and most field managers block the BS that comes from above. What is it you expect somewhere else that you don’t get here?
Interesting. What BS is your manager blocking? Didn't think individual RDs had that much power over business conduct