Will John Jump of 75 or do a guswat?

Watanabe Swandive

Dressed as Fatalie Phartman in "The Appalachian White Swan", he will do the FIPNet Pirouette off the Sidney Institute of Leadership while administering the 45-calibre Watanabe Resection to his frontal lobe. It will be SPECTACULAR!

watanabis mortis

If only he had recommended to the slovenly, sloppy-obese JCL to have WEIGHT REDUCTION SURGERY...then we'd have someone else as CEO now, and maybe a chance at survival...

Re: Watanabe Swandive

Dressed as Fatalie Phartman in "The Appalachian White Swan", he will do the FIPNet Pirouette off the Sidney Institute of Leadership while administering the 45-calibre Watanabe Resection to his frontal lobe. It will be SPECTACULAR!

Only if JCL had henpacked coward's gut enough to do anything, let alone the watanabette. Although furling fat depots would not be fun to see...

Stocky, clean shaven, confident, he clenches the briefcase packed with $20 million in large bills and strolls across the helipad of the corporate center toward the black-suited, black-hatted men with dark ties, smoking and gesticulating just out of the path of the swirling blades of the sleek helicopter. As he approaches with a confident scowl, he gathers a large breath, and shouts above the din of the swirling blades, "GUESS WHAT?"

His suited audience freezes and their smiles melt first to disbelief, then to frowns. They shrug in a dramatic way, suits and ties folded in the breeze.

"GUSWAT" ... hand firmly clenched on briefcase handle with all the millions, he darts on last smile at them, sprints to the side of the building, and jumps, to the horror of all visible at least to the naked eye.

***Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel****

The corpulent, heaving, slovenly Appalachian Gluttonswine does not so much LEAP over the side of the Sidney Institute of Leadership, as he POURS his Jabba-The-Hutt-like robber baron largess over the building's side...