Will GSK keep hematology reps?

What to do for the next 7months? Can they afford the reps to be on a shelf

Hard to say if reps will be kept.
On one hand GSK, hates paying severance to reps anymore.
Maybe keep us on board and hope we quit from fear, frustration or uncertainty.
I will take the severance if offered then look for a better company.
If no severance, I will continue to work at GSK while looking for another job. Potential employers will understand why I want out.

Welcome to GSK! Home of the layoff. The only silver lining is that Onc jobs are in high demand. They will land in a better place. The rest of us know what's in store. Crrrrrraaaack! The whip will be dusted off yet again. Not that there was any time for dust to accumulate on the GSK whip. That thing has been used more than a cheap hooker. Every division will see massive quota increases. As if our goals weren't high enough? Then comes the micro management. It will begin with something called The Tracker. They will have us tracking every metric under the sun. Then the field rides. They will be "coaching" to every word, syllable and thought we have during a sales call. COCO on steroids. Then the finger pointing. Of course the finger is always pointed in one direction, down and at the sales reps. Finally the heartfelt speech from Emma. It pains me to say that in order for our organization to survive we must restructure our business. You will all be asked to wait by the phone yada yada . Of course it is expected that you remain focused on the business. Your first line manager will continue to ride with you in the field until the WARN period is over. Meanwhile our executive leadership team will remain in place and given phat bonuses to help us transition through this difficult time. And that's GSK. No new leaders. Same culture. Same results. Have I missed anything?

Welcome to GSK! Home of the layoff. The only silver lining is that Onc jobs are in high demand. They will land in a better place. The rest of us know what's in store. Crrrrrraaaack! The whip will be dusted off yet again. Not that there was any time for dust to accumulate on the GSK whip. That thing has been used more than a cheap hooker. Every division will see massive quota increases. As if our goals weren't high enough? Then comes the micro management. It will begin with something called The Tracker. They will have us tracking every metric under the sun. Then the field rides. They will be "coaching" to every word, syllable and thought we have during a sales call. COCO on steroids. Then the finger pointing. Of course the finger is always pointed in one direction, down and at the sales reps. Finally the heartfelt speech from Emma. It pains me to say that in order for our organization to survive we must restructure our business. You will all be asked to wait by the phone yada yada . Of course it is expected that you remain focused on the business. Your first line manager will continue to ride with you in the field until the WARN period is over. Meanwhile our executive leadership team will remain in place and given phat bonuses to help us transition through this difficult time. And that's GSK. No new leaders. Same culture. Same results. Have I missed anything?

Ancient copy pasta. My how this board has deteriorated.