
This will be very telling on how many people will be affected, which employees will be kept and which will be laid off. Will they provide a decent severance?

They already have targeted depts, teams and exact #’s targeted company wide, and in some cases names for well over a year now. This is ready to go and actually might expand with the Tecfidera patent now being lost. This review of deep cuts was actually started last year in April/May 2019 and they were ready to pull the trigger in late summer or early Fall of 2019. Then the in-fighting started about resurrecting Adu and going for a Hail Mary instead of layoffs/cutting programs/saving cash to get up for buying small companies with late state assets. Waiting for a company to buy Biogen was mostly off the table due to the uncertainty around the Tecfidera patent at the time.

They already have targeted depts, teams and exact #’s targeted company wide, and in some cases names for well over a year now. This is ready to go and actually might expand with the Tecfidera patent now being lost. This review of deep cuts was actually started last year in April/May 2019 and they were ready to pull the trigger in late summer or early Fall of 2019. Then the in-fighting started about resurrecting Adu and going for a Hail Mary instead of layoffs/cutting programs/saving cash to get up for buying small companies with late state assets. Waiting for a company to buy Biogen was mostly off the table due to the uncertainty around the Tecfidera patent at the time.

Come on man. You start a new thread and then provide your own answer to your own question. What a loser!

Anyone would be smart to start looking at opportunities and not wait to see if they begin to lay off employees. Biogen wont care who they lay off. There is no loyalty.

I’ve been here a long time, and Biogen has never taken care of those fired. Small severance and Cobra insurance

Ok you are a true team employee I see caring about everyone else’s well being while you’re still employed. I believe you I really do. Your boss should give you some perk points.

I’ve been here a long time, and Biogen has never taken care of those fired. Small severance and Cobra insurance

If this is true, it is extremely sad. Shows that all this Kumbaya crap is nothing but crap. Yes, everyone is replaceable and deep down I'm sure they don't care. However, people have families to support, especially during this very difficult time. So I hope they do the right thing.

If this is true, it is extremely sad. Shows that all this Kumbaya crap is nothing but crap. Yes, everyone is replaceable and deep down I'm sure they don't care. However, people have families to support, especially during this very difficult time. So I hope they do the right thing.
I’ve worked in the MS Division for a very long time. On multiple occasions, I’ve seen my peers get “the phone call” offering a terrible severance and Cobra insurance, and these were long term Biogen employees. Biogen has no loyalty, especially to ADU employees. Expect the call...

I’ve worked in the MS Division for a very long time. On multiple occasions, I’ve seen my peers get “the phone call” offering a terrible severance and Cobra insurance, and these were long term Biogen employees. Biogen has no loyalty, especially to ADU employees. Expect the call...

Agreed! Of course the Biogen leaders are going to say "We still strongly believe we will get approved" because they don't want the employees to go off the rails.

You can't go by one study! Those results should be repeated in at least one more study. Honestly, Biogen is starting to sound very greedy and just want to get a drug approved $ $ $. What is in it for the FDA why they want to undermine the advisory committee? Everything the Advisory Committee said was very rational and true. An additional study is required and needed!