Anyone have thoughts on AZ RST starting to sell Tudorza? Any truth to the rumor that primary care will sell Daliresp in near future?
Anyone have thoughts on AZ RST starting to sell Tudorza? Any truth to the rumor that primary care will sell Daliresp in near future?
NillThis will over some time this year. Product pipeline is Niall and shrinking. The " everything is positive" crap is nonsense. What else are they going to say?
Wish they would tell us something so I can plan my summer lol!
so AZ primary care will have Daliresp and Tudorza in June. They will keep Symbicort so they will have the exact same products as RST. And one more product than us. Interesting though because we are the cheapest sales force....
Any thoughts on az call today ?
Thanks a lot for nothing AZ and Teri. The call yesterday was cold hearted and cruel. If you expect anyone to put out any sort of effort going forward, your are sadly mistaken. Most of us where smart enough to see through the ruse and already have been looking for other jobs.
Those of you on other contracts beware . . . This can happen to you! Always keep one eye over your shoulder and be looking for a better opportunity - do not believe positive spin the managers try to put on everything while in fact things are falling apart around them.[/QUOTE
I wonder if it's too late for me to apply to medical school ??
EPBU Publicis rep here.
Just curious, did y'all's publicis management tell y'all 8 weeks ago that they extended the contract? But then pull the rug out from under y'all telling you they changed their minds and contract is ending? Well, that's what happened to us. I think they lied to us to keep everyone around. Total bs.