Why would Novartis pay overtime to part time reps?


This whole overtime thing makes me sick. Pharma is the biggest sham in the world. Please don't tell me that you are in an office before 9:00 am and show me the offices you visit after 4:00 pm. Subtract out all of the late starts, Friday afternoons and all of the time you are sitting in the car listening to the radio or off taking care of personal business, and you work an average of 25 hours per week. Your "work" involves 90% driving a car to an office followed by 8% sitting in the office reading magazines. 2% of the time you are delivering a message that the physician has heard 842 times already. Boo Hoo sometimes you have to do a dinner program.


Don't forget all the reps you see at the local hooters congregating by 230 or 300 in the afternoon, hanging out with the girls for a couple of hours before going home to their wives claiming they had full and faithful workdays.

Cuz the courts told em too. Don't like it ? Take your nazi swiss cocoa a$$ back to
basel & stop doing business in the USA . I'm sure Americans will be just fine without your crappy meeeee tooooo useless overpriced meds , euro trash cretins .